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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I don’t mind that the ending in the movie doesn’t match the book ending. But the movie is 100% setting up Scott and Knives being together and then they just… pivot to Ramona. This is a good thing overall; the book doesn’t do a GREAT job of establishing that Scott dating a teenager is problematic, but it tires. The movie doesn’t really do that much at all and it would have been wild for the two of them to end up together. It moves so fast and it’s so fun that none of this really sticks, but you know… don’t date high schoolers
  2. The attaché case charms seem to work, just the attaché case perk itself has been weird for me. I saw the first case icon that Bacon referenced about halfway through the island.
  3. Few movies fumble the bag at the end as dramatically as Scott Pilgrim, but it’s very enjoyable other than that. Hope this turns out well.
  4. Do the attache case perks... work? I have the ones from the deluxe edition and I feel like when I have the one that boosts gunpowder drops, the game barfs money at me instead.
  5. That's awesome. I'm a few Street Passes away from getting the last 6 puzzle swap tiles, at which point I can finally rest, Thanos style.
  6. I just don't agree that the villains aren't built up. It's not done on the codec like the original and the vibes are different, but it absolutely happens. Salazar and Leon have way more to say to one another during their fight than they did in the original, and they're telling a different story in this one so Ada having different connects makes sense? I dunno what to say, it's a different game. It's doing a much better job of walking a modern version of the original's cheese than I thought it would. I just got to the Island so I don't have much to say about Saddler yet, but I always thought he was the weakest link in the original and kind of a wet fart of a villain.
  7. Apparently in the first village encounter, you can shoot the bell and end the fight when the ganados hear it ring, triggering the cutscene.
  8. I’m not at Krauser (more like arouser) yet, but Ashley and Luis have more banter with Leon in this version than the original I think. If you backtrack and look for treasures Ashley will comment on them and ask if you’ll flip them when you pass the merchant. You can bring both of them to the shooting gallery and they’ll react to how you’re doing. Ashley specifically seems like her relationship with Leon is more than just being doe eyed. And I dunno about Ada, she always felt like she came from another game, with her preposterous dress and matrix fight with Leon. Salazar feels like less of a comic character for sure, I do miss his bizarre Napoleon vibes.
  9. I don’t think there’s enough time to wait for that at the end of 1-A, which is ironically the hardest one to get the bonus silver medals. And in the ones with the TMP, even when the reticule is tight, there’s still a decent amount of spread.
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