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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Yo maybe he’s been saying “no colusion” this whole time. Like, “oh you’ve been investigating ‘collusion’ with Russia? Eeeeeeeeesh.”
  2. But she’s objectively not the most unpopular candidate either. She was not even the most unpopular candidate in 2016. Edit / typo
  3. Clinton was an obviously flawed candidate in a few key ways, but section interference was a real thing and she won the popular vote. The retcon of her into the worst candidate ever is... weird.
  4. Watched it last night, that was pretty fun. I liked the camera pan to the “gameplay angle.”
  5. I dunno if I’ve watched more than 5 min of the original Jurassic Park since the theater? That sounds impossible (homina homina homina) but I cannot recall seeing all of it again...
  6. Haven’t watched the first MI in a while, but I remember the ending helicopter sequence looking rough.
  7. I have great affection for NYC bagels and pizza, as well as for Uncharted. But you show me someone who enjoyed any of the gameplay in any of the young Drake segments and I’ll show you a rube.
  8. Are 4 minutes of it flashbacks to boring ass segments in Drake’s past, keeping in line with the ratio of the actual games?
  9. Yeah I don’t mean you specifically. Just surprising that people are saying THIS is the moment. Like... wat.
  10. I’d agree that NYC has better joints for those foods per capita than many other areas. But I hear pretty regularly that you cannot get a decent one of either of these outside NYC.
  11. As someone who grew up in northern NJ and would go to NYC somehway regularly in college, I put New York in quotes because I don’t think there’s a meaningful, geographical distinction between the city and the surrounding areas for foods like pizza and bagels. I can’t speak to Connecticut since I don’t think I’ve had either food there, so I wouldn’t know exactly where to draw the line.
  12. Bread and cheese are 2 of my favorite things on earth. I don’t mean peasant food pejoratively!
  13. Let’s be clear... New York City bagels and pizza are both delicious, there’s no disputing that. However, it’s not uncommon to hear people talk about both of these peasant foods as though you cannot get a decent slice or bagel outside of NYC, which is crazytownbananapants. What say you D1P?
  14. If I’m getting chain pizza around Boston it’s normally Pizzeria Regina. Ernesto’s recently opened a second, non-North End spot near my house in Somerville and they’re legit.
  15. I think smaller lobsters taste sweeter though.
  16. Check out Blades in the Dark. It's a D6 based tabletop RPG about being a group of scoundrels in a haunted, "whalepunk," city in the vein of Dishonored. I'd not played many tabletop RPGs before and had certainly never GM'd one. But a bunch of my buddies went to a cabin this winter and I GM'd. The time just flew by, it was great. The system does a great job of letting the GM and the players make the fiction as they go. The book has a general framework, setting, district maps, some prebaked rivalries and suggested scores. But part of why we liked it so much is that we sorta played it like we were making up the world as we went within the author's framework. The players decided to be a gang of drug pushers, so they got to decide how their drug worked, why it was better than what was currently available, how they could keep their sources exclusive, etc. So unlike something more traditional like DnD, where your characters have explicit hitpoints, enemies have explicit skills, it's a lot more conversational. On most scores you also just jump right into the first conflict. So if the players in our game were gonna go to a local den, kick people out, and take over their turf, we'd roll for engagement based on their advantages / disadvantages, and the outcome of that roll would dictate where we start. A great roll could establish, "okay you have a guy on the inside who can vouch for you and your tight with the Gondoliers, so we'll assume there was no trouble getting to or into the spot." Where a crap roll would be more like, "Okay, you're tight with the Gondoliers so they can get you close, but the ferryman was out late last night and is coming off his high, so he's drawing attention to the boat by being bragging about something going down to anyone you pass on the river. And your man inside is going to want a cut of the score for selling out his current employer." You also just pick a load before you go, light / normal / heavy, and you can "spawn" items mid-score based on your need provided you don't exceed your load. You don't have to say, "I'm going to bring my pistols and my bone charm," beforehand. If shit gets spooky, you can say, "good thing I brought my bone charm," tick it off, and you're good. You can also flash back when you run into trouble, which helps avoid analysis paralysis pre-mission. Take some stress when you run into a guard, flash back, and roleplay how you bribed him or kidnapped his kid for leverage before the score. Dunno how your comment turned into a novella on Blades... I guess I miss playing!
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