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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I don’t know that miniature gamers are meaningfully different than enthusiasts in other hobbies. You’ll get your weirdos and your socially awkwards and your hyper competitive people... bit there are a lot of rad people too. If you’re in a city or a place with a large enough scene there’s usually good people to play with.
  2. Part of me wants this to be a trilogy of Blue is the Warmest Color but in space and with lightsabers so literally everyone is annoyed.
  3. Canto Bight isn’t pointless. I absolutely get not liking it, but... Finn’s character development t doesn’t happen without that scene, straight up.
  4. For as easy as it is to shit on the obviously poor when it comes to fiscal responsibility, there are a tremendous amount of middle class people who are an unexpected event and a short hourglass away from poverty themselves. They don’t struggle, they just don’t plan long term and have no meaningful savings. They landed a better job than someone in a low skill position, but their decisions are equivalently bad or actually routinely worse, they can just absorb them provided they never lose their employment. If we could get our collective shit together, we’d have federally mandated statistics, home economics, and financial studies classes as part of the grade and high school curriculum. It’s fucking ridiculous that you can graduate high school having taken a class on trigonometry but not know how APRs fuck you, how to cook for yourself, or have a rudimentary understanding of probability.
  5. I cannot state enough how stupid it is that all of this is true as of Batman v Superman... Clark Kent was a reporter for The Daily Planet... saw Bruce Wayne show up at an event... AND HE DID NOT KNOW WHO BRUCE WAYNE WAS. So I assume that in the Snyderverse, Superman doesn’t bother to protect Gotham because when he sees it, he thinks it’s the background in a video game or something and he can’t actually go there. It’s the only thing that makes sense, and it tracks with everything that Batman and Superman do in these movies being the stupidest possible thing they could possibly do.
  6. The majority of people suffering from mental illness are not violent and the majority of gun violence is not committed by the mentally ill.
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised. Also I’d hold my breath waiting for the hordes who bitched about “respect for the flag” to call out Trump’s use of the flag to troll a dead veteran but... you know.
  8. Don’t criminalize gun current gun ownership but ban the sale of semiautomatic weapons to civilians now and forever. All gun laws should be federal and none should be more lax than the strictest gun laws on the books in any state currently. Criminalize any private modifications to guns to have them function in a semi or fully automatic way. Incentivize the return of guns from private citizens via buyback programs. Tax the everliving shit out of ammunition beyond what someone could reasonably use for hunting and criminalize the ownership of ammunition over a certain amount of rounds per owned firearm. Put hard limits on the number of guns any person can own. I mean I don’t know I’m freestyling here and I’m sure there are implications I don’t know enough to consider intelligently on a whim but absolutely zero concessions should be made to gun owners or gun rights activists. It’s clear that we cannot handle the privilege.
  9. I know at PAX Unplugges last year, there wasn't even a metal detector or bag check. It's not just small events.
  10. Has it really changed? Or are the people who are offended by things like this now just given a voice on social media platforms? Or both? It's really easy to think all this stuff is "new" when you never had to encounter it before. If you had gay friends, or trans friends, or Muslim friends, etc., 20 years ago those people were no less hurt when other people said things that offended them. You just hear their voice now whereas you didn't before unless they were in your immediate circle. People didn't wake up in 2018 and decide "hey Imma get offended by some shit now."
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