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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Apple’s own displays never sold all that well. They were super expensive and at the time they made them it was trickier to come by information about who was making the panel. I dunno that they could get away with an Apple tax on something that’s 5% Apple and 95% Samsung when it’s only a display.
  2. I like the new iMac look, but I think if I was going to go Mac desktop anytime soon it'd be a mini with a monitor. I don't think it's likely they'll hit that line up with color, so my wallet should be safe. I'm perhaps unwell when it comes to how I like my electronics to look. The ports thing is weird. I honestly don't know anyone that's used a port on their device for anything other than extended monitor in literal years with the sole exception of photographers. The most disappointing thing for me that Apple's done is re-allowed the Parler app on the App Store. If I didn't have almost 13 years worth of investment in the Apple ecosystem, I'd be tempted to move... except that google is objectively worse in terms of data privacy in every way.
  3. It’s really something that (assuming this is true for a moment) that “virus” is too real but American soldiers acting with impunity across the globe remains just fine.
  4. As a white person it drives me bananas that “woke” being used as a pejorative has come to mean, “there are black people present.” That said it is a convenient way to easily identify people to ignore, so, silver lining I guess.
  5. If I could add things to the high school curriculum... 1) Stats 2) Basic finance 3) Home ec that includes cooking, sewing, and some other third thing that I usually bitch about and now cannot remember
  6. Superficially related, but AMG just announced this mini for Marvel Crisis Protocol, which I will obviously be buying.
  7. The political equivalent of threatening me with a good time.
  8. Didn't know where to put this, but if you want your blood pressure to increase this morning...
  9. This movie made no sense and the fights were just okay. I think they hit the right notes with the game references, and with just a little spit and polish it could have been really cool. It was okay.
  10. Everyone that I know that's gone to Galaxy's Edge has talked about how it's not really "for kids" insomuch as it is for people that grew up with Star Wars. I haven't been to Disneyworld the 90's but even then it was clear how much effort they spent on attracting adults and not just kids. Also I dunno that "Disney fan" as an adult identity is weirder than something like... "baseball fan." Motherfuckers spend money, time, energy, and emotional investment managing their fantasy teams. Some people like Splash Mountain. Who cares?
  11. I have some mixed feelings about how they tried to stick the landing, and what they ended up trying to say. The MCU has always had an obvious (or maybe less so, depending on your POV) issue with the projection of predominantly American military power. It's not problematic for Cap to fight Hydra in WWII, they're literal Nazis and they're at literal war. Aside from that, they kinda tried to address this issue with the Sokovia Accords in Civil War, which spilled into Falcon and the Winter Soldier. But that's always been a hard sell for movie watchers; we know these people are always going to do the "right thing" regardless of what side they land on. Hell, Tony is recruiting a teenage boy to fight in Germany, which is surely violating the accords he's fighting his friends to support. So in this show we have the Flag Smashers trying to resist the relocation of the blip diaspora. They drum up support for their cause using social media. They decide to fight back by disrupting a vote. This is all very contemporaneous and potentially interesting. But I dunno man. I get that Sam sympathizes with Karli given his background established in Cap 2 and the early parts of this show. But her group is killing people indiscriminately. They're kidnapping elected officials. And his take is, "imagine how the people you relocate are feeling." Yeah, sure, I get it, but you just had to rescue all of these people from abduction and death, insisting that they not be called terrorists is wild. Especially because for most of the show, he and Bucky have no problem being American military agents abroad, they prioritize the mission SO MUCH that they free Zemo which for Bucky is a huge betrayal of the people that helped him heal. It's weird. I think the vision the show has for a black Captain America and what that means for Sam / other people is very clear. How it wants us to understand Bucky is very clear. Everything else... American power, terrorism, refugees, global politics... this show is a fucking mess. I get that the MCU is like that writ large, but it's rarely been on display to the extent that it is in the last 20 minutes of the finale. Based on the teases we've seen in some of the movies, I think it's safe to say that the next Avengers movie will be Avengers... in... Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace, so some of this will be less relevant. But this show really wants to have its cake and eat it, too, when it comes to how superheroes and America use power.
  12. Yeah, I will say that Mackie and Stan have more to work with than they have in any of the movies and they do good work here.
  13. If you don’t find the leads or their characters interesting, I imagine the series would be a hard sell. It’s a lot of time with them and a somewhat non-compelling villain group.
  14. Lots of questions about the alternate reality Cap went to. I wonder if we’ll get any answers with Phase 4 potentially dabbling in the multiverse / quantum realms.
  15. It’s not clear to me what “physical related” means, or if they assume that any officer who died of COVID got it in the line of duty.
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