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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I basically built my Island as is as I went along, didn't really change much. As I visit more and more islands, and seeing all these cool and crazy designs, I feel I may end up starting to reconstruct it a lot. It just sucks you need to wait a full day to move each house. Also, Celeste came around a lot at first, now I never see her..
  2. The fact its an RPG and not just a twin stick action game has me very interested. If it can nail the loot and skills, I always enjoy games like this.
  3. Yeah, I dont know. I think with the upgraded CPU's, 60fps shouldn't be that much to ask for, and I do think a lot of the discussion has moved away from resolutions to FPS performance, so I do think the general public will start demanding it more and more, and more developers will make it a priority. I think we'll start to see 60fps > 4k for a lot of people, and developers would be foolish not to at least have modes available for both. Dirt 5 will have a 120fps performance mode on the Series X I believe, so hopefully we hear about more and more developers targeting 60 minimum, with some being able to go higher if the style of game can benefit from it. I have seen a lot asking for AC Valhalla will be 60fps, and Ubisoft haven't commented on it.
  4. Phil Spencer and some of the other Microsoft leadership have at least emphasized that FPS and that type of performance baseline should be 60fps on the Series X. They won't mandate it to creators, because their general messaging is that they wont tell developers how to make their games. Hoping more and more developers go that route and at least aim for 60fps.
  5. The issue with the show really was the fact it was marketed as a showcase for Series X. If you watched that and they told you it was all being done on an Xbox One X, no one would bat an eye. If you are trying to sell people on a new console, and everything they are seeing looks no different than what they can currently play on their current console, it's not a great showing. If this was a 2nd or 3rd show after the Console's abilities were shown off a bit, and this was shown to highlight the launch lineup and games that'll be available in the first 6 months or so, then it'd have been great. It's not to say the games looked bad, but just a quick sizzle reel of trailers with no in depth breakdown of what the Series X version does better than the old hardware, is what lost it, along with the lack of real gameplay. I think if they showed a trailer for one of the games, and then did quick interview with the developer, saying, on the Xbox One X it'll be 60fps, on the series X there will be a 120fps option, ray tracing, ect. it'd have gone over a little better. But at the same time, they are trying to execute all this while people are WFH duing a pandemic, so can't get too upset.
  6. Well at least they acknowlege the poor messaging. I rewatched it while being less distracted, and knowing it was just a tease of games being worked on coming to Series X, I felt it was actually decent. Quite a few games I think looked fairly interesting.
  7. Yeah, horrible show. Don't advertise it as "First Series X Gameplay", and its hardly any gameplay at all if any, and everything looks like regular current gen games, even a lot of bad games by today's standards. I went in with low expectations, and even then was still disappointed. I knew AC Valhalla wasn't going to be real gameplay, and even then it was still disappointing. It showed nothing much more than the initial trailer. The entire way it was presented was just poor. If this was a showcase done as a middle event during these monthly events, then it'd be fine. Advertise it as, we are getting a lot of support from all types of developers, big and small, working on Series X games, then it'd be fine. As your first coming out party for your new Hardware, very very underwhelming.
  8. Which still begs the question to me. Why does it feel like no other developers try to do what it does, but better? It's such a simple game, I can't imagine developing it can be all that hard for expensive even. With what we see other teams do, just kinda shocked we haven't seen more copycats. And while I know there are copycats out there, they all are very small indie game type projects that get very very little attention.
  9. Probably a good thing its not a long Gameplay demo. We all know basically what AC is about, so not point in waiting 10 minutes of a show on it. Show us a quick in game teaser of it then move on. Also, with this tweet, I'm curious if it'll be all new games, or maybe some current gen games that may get Next Gen Smart Delivery upgrades as well. Maybe Apex, Fortnite, Destiny 2, GTAV, RDR2, some of the games as a service style games. Either way, I always get excited for this stuff, even if I don't expect a whole lot from tomorrow.
  10. They are being pretty transparent right now to manage expectations. Came out immediately saying less than an hour, no 1st party, ect. I would def prefer smaller bits and pieces every few weeks rather than one big showcase.
  11. One of my Villagers is giving away Gold-Armor Shoes DIY, if anyone's interested, @ me here and I'll try to get it open
  12. Anyone want a Garden Bench DIY, one of my islands is giving one away, not sure for how much longer
  13. Thanks! And Thanks for letting me hit up the island for Turnips. Will mail back payment. Would you rather have Bells or Miles as payment
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