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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. A 1 v 1 Smash bros type Forge map. I knew the Grapplewas going to allow for some crazy fun Forge modes https://forge.xboxera.com/content/16/final-destination-20xx
  2. Ya ran the 3rd and 4th characters to the 30 minute mark, made it to 30:11 but just cause revive and that shield thing. Haen't done world 3 yet, just been running all the characters through the 2nd stage.
  3. I tried the 2nd stage on my next play through and survived the 30 minutes with the 1st Character, then tried again and did the same with the 2nd character. But got 1 shot by Death each time. Think I have a decent build to get me to 30 minutes pretty easily each time aboujt 11 total runs in. Now just need to maximize gold so i can keep upgrading everything.
  4. Just tried the 3rd character on that 1st stage, I think my 8th run total. Got to Lvl 81 I think and 29:35 survival time. I got a bit complacement and stopped moving for a bit too long and just got completely engulfed. I wanted to hit hat 30 minute mark bad.
  5. I finally tried this last night and love it. So damn simple yet so damn good. I only tried maybe 6 runs so far, and got to maybe Lvl 23 around 17 minutes survived. At that point I wasnt really killing anything and just running around. Only tried the starting Hero and first Stage so far. Do the stages play drastically different? Any reason to stay on 1 for awhile or should I be jumping around right away.
  6. Steam is showing mixed reviews. A lot saying wait for a big sale cause its not worth $60.
  7. My biggest issue with VR is I can only do it in very short bursts, it feels so isolating at times being cut off from all other senses like that. I think they need to have some big announcement about last gen games being updated for Free for this headset or it's gonna have a hard time initially selling. The economy is going to be in a worse place when this launches, and it's more pricey in other countries. Also, need to see what they charge for their games. Is the new Horizon VR game going to be $70?
  8. You get all the skill points to level up your character with, and I think the game just defaults to giving you a Heroic piece of gear that is your level in your inventory ever few hours or so. So you'll have something thats at least decent to equip until you get drops. It automatically discards old crafting recipes that are more than 2 levels lower than you currently are. So if you switch around, you'll likely start with a character that has no crafting recipes on them.
  9. The main story doesnt seem to scale either as well, so it's been much easier for me as a Lvl 30 fighting Lvl 18 or so enemies. Way easier than the crimes out in the open world. My current build has a perk that heals after killing an enemy, and heals me after using a momentum attack. Makes managing health packs much easier on the hardest difficulty.
  10. I hit Lvl 30 casue I would do all 10 or so Crimes each night and 1 story mission, then turn in. I guess im on Chapter 6 now. I haven't progressed any of the other Villians stories though, I think I am missing on how to do that. All say return to Belfry, maybe I need to activate something at the board.
  11. Just leave your privacy under genreal options to Public and people can join. Not sure if theres a way to show you want someone to join though. Hit Lvl 30, the higher level gear starts to have more interesting modifiers which makes it much more interesting in terms fo builds. Really looking forward to whateve the 4 player co-op thing is cause it could be a lot of fun if they do it right. Also some of the level design is pretty well done and fun for the story. Haivng more fun thatn I thought I would with it.
  12. I've been playing on the hardest difficulty, and at the higher 20's, man does it get damn hard. There is good enemy variety, and a ton of variants of each type of enemy too to make it more difficult. If you have gear that isn't at your level at the higher levels you'll definitely suffer on the higher difficulty levels. I'm enjoying it, but it'll definitely play better as a co-op game with some of these enemy numbers and combinations. This is Crossplay right?
  13. I almost cancelled my pre-order when i saw it was only 30fps, as I've grown used to playing 60fps or better. The Framerate surprisingly hasn't bothered me though. It does have stutters occasionally, but I'm not as sensitive as I thought to the performance stuff. All analysis of the game so far seems to point to just terrible optimization on all hardware, which hopefully will be improved over time. I'm enjoying the game more than I thought I would, even if it can be repetitive. The co-op was really enjoyable too. With the supposed 4 player co-op raid type thing coming, really curious to see what thats all about.
  14. Are those charts in kilograms? So weight of units? Would prob make more sense cause I don't think either Sony or Microsoft are shipping that many millions of units to the US alone per month.
  15. Yeah, rumor was Guardians of the Galaxy was 5-10 million, and that was from a big publisher, a Marvel IP, and a pretty big name game. It wasn't a Day 1 launch, but I think many are over estimating how much some of these deals cost MS. MS has to cover the 70% cut the publishers would get selling however many copies on Xbox. With Xbox being the smaller platform, those deals probaby weren't as pricey. If Publishers see more and more people on Xbox playing their games, the prices may go up, but so will Subscriber numbers so it all kinda works out.
  16. From a business perspective, Playstation doesn't make much money off consumers that buy a PS5 just to buy a few exclusives each year. They sell the hardware for basically break even, hope they sub to PS+, but with most their games being single player, doubt theres as many of those that play primarily on PC or Xbox. So then the question is, what's the trade off of losing a hardware sale and the few exclusives those consumers buy each year, vs all the benefits of releasing on PC sooner. I think their metrics are going to show that the synergy of having unified PC and Console releases Day 1 outweight the benefits of those that buy a PS5 just for exclusives. Especially if they start launching games near that 1 year mark and people start to expect it, more and more will be willing to wait that year for the PC release anyway.
  17. Anyone here still play? I recently got back into it, so the more the merrier typically with so few end game stuff having matchmaking.
  18. Agreed. Have an overall Progression system that just levels you up, maybe unlocks different nameplates and stuff as you get higher level. Then each weapon should have a mastery or something, where the more kills you get with them, you unlock some basic skins, and other goodies. I'd even have a different challenge list for each playlist, so that way there is something to go for in each playlists, that encourages the objectives of each playlist. So many better ways to handle it, than how its handled now. Then on top of that, you have the Season Pass with some very easy challenges that you get naturally while playing most any mode.
  19. I don't disagree at all. I personally think a shake up is very welcome at this point. Just watched some people that were a part of the team Stream, and when people brought up Bonnie Ross needing to go, they were pretty adament about her actually being a positive at the studio, and not the issue. With a company the size of Microsoft, there can be plenty of other factors at play when it comes to the Halo IP. Phil and Matt Booty seem to be hands off when it comes to a lot of aspects of the studios, but if they have business side people looking at numbers and forcing them to do certain things that maybe the studio would rather not do, like the move to F2P and moving unlockable cosmetics instead to the a Store and Battle Pass, that could have been out of 343 hands, and one of the biggest core issues with Halo Infinite. The progression feels terrible now you have nothing but the challenges and Battle Pass to work towards. And the Challenges largely make the game feel worse cause you are trying to do stuff you'd probably rather not do.
  20. I think the community will be pretty happy about his, but I had heard from some ex 343 people that streamed, that she wasn't the issue with the studio.
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