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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. No ones shared any Javelins yet? Free Roam Harvesting Ranger - 200 Luck / 60 Harvest Pure Luck Ranger - 293 Luck High DPS/Surivability Ranger - Flamethrower Colossus - Luck Build Colossus - 202 Luck Storm - Ice / Lightning Build Storm Luck Build - 201 Luck Interceptor - Ice Melee Build Interceptor Luck Build - 188 Luck I know they are all the same schemes, but havent focused on builds yet so just went with what i liked. Ill do more color specific ones with the builds. So far I'm not sure running really high luck is worth it. Had a few times it felt like I was getting more drops, but other times less... Free Roam might be more helpful than in a Stronghold it seems. I know one of the devs said 190 might be the cap.
  2. From what I've read, unplugging the power and then starting it back up gets it going again. But I only briefly looked at the reddit.
  3. I really enjoyed Division 1, will be getting this Day 1, but not all that excited for it. As said, Anthems gameplay is just way more fun overall for me. The traversal and movement just keeps me engaged, and the world is just interesting to fly around. Division 2 will be a good fun game, but its slow, i feel like my feet are glued to the ground, no jumping, can barely climb things, just feels cumbersome. Either way though, I know ill have some good times with this, and as Mr Vic said, it'll be good to be able to jump from game to game so not to get too burnt out on either.
  4. I made a Luck Build for each class now... Ranger - +174% Luck Colossus - +202% Luck Storm - +201% Luck Interceptor - +188% Luck Ran Tyrant Mine twice with my Ranger, 1st time 3 MC + Guaranteed MC, 2nd time 1 Legendary, 1 MC + 1 Guaranteed MC.
  5. I'm on if you wanna run something? You trying to do Heart of Rage?
  6. Do we know if we all have the same Daily's each day? -- 2 Contracts --3 Combos -- Heart of Rage -- 1 Stronghold -- 3 World Events
  7. I think the Titans are in Free Roam... Anyone on Xbox I'll be on and off all day today, so if anyone wants to run any Strongholds or whatever just @ me here. I'm still kind of curious if you get invited into a Legendary Contract, does that complete your personal one, or can you double/triple up on them with friends by inviting eachother.
  8. I've had the audio issue only once as well in all my time playing. Each day I focus on a different Javelin. Do all 3 of the Legendary Contracts with a new Jav, then do whatever daily quests there are. It keeps it fresh day to day, and now that I have a good amount of MW's collected I'm starting to focus on different builds. Looking forward to those cosmetic chests and new items coming this month... Hopefully they add new cool guns and stuff already... can never have too much
  9. Doing Quickplay, I've been put into missions where it says clear al lthe enemies, and something glitched and they just keep spawning. I'd suggest wiping so it reloads the instance and see if that works.
  10. That is the worst. What was it? A weapon? Component? I finally got my first MC Autocannon.
  11. Oh yeah definitely. The current system sucks bad. Just sitting there trying to find the little silhouette of your teammates flying around sucks. They need to make huge improvements to it. I just personally do like challenging content and think respawn timers can make things a bit too easy.
  12. I personally dont think there should be a timer, it'd make everything too easy with how easy it is to get away and hide and wait out a timer. If you're running Strongholds which are the "hardest" content right now, it should be hard. I know playing with randoms makes it tough at times, but it should make people play smarter. The biggest issue with it is that you can't see your teams widget anymore so its hard to tell where people are, if people are even alive ect. Being able to possibly spectate as well would be nice.
  13. Hell yeah, I make sure I'm running like +75% luck at all times, if not more.
  14. Stolen from Reddit - Ive seen these before, but dont think I went in cause we were in the middle of a World Event.
  15. You haven't gotten a single Legendary? Are you running with some +Luck
  16. I'm about to jump into GM2 Free Roam. Just had a Papa Pump Legendary drop from the Scorpions in between that Horde Room and the Boss, that same bunch everyone flies over ---- Kill everything as Xbob said. It rolled with +90% Armor and +65% Shields, +135% Weapon Magazine. Gonna see how much survivability I have with my Colossus with this badboy on.
  17. How much of that was GM1 though? I've now had them start dropping more frequently
  18. Weapons - Kill 10 Legendary Enemies with MW Weapon to unlock it's blueprint Gear - Complete 35 World Events or Missions with Gear Equipped Components - Grind Grind Grind Faction
  19. After saying I never got Legendary drops from chests, I've gotten 2 from chests since. 1 World Event Chest and 1 Stronghold chest
  20. Well with the way Inscriptions were, I dont necessarily disagree that you'd need a ton of drops to get ideal items. Now that they fixed that, its in a much better place.
  21. Yeah, I was still playing when they introduced the Set pieces, but even those dropped so often as well, that I found myself spending so much of my playtime in the menu looting at gear it was just tedious. Its a fine balance I know, but I like the good stuff to feel rare and rewarding when it drops. I feel Masterworks drop at a decent rate right now, and you can get a bunch of them in guaranteed ways as is. You can also craft them as well once you learn the blueprint. Legendary's only drop, and they seem a bit rare, but I've only run GM1 so far, so maybe they'll start dropping more often in GM2.
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