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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. So I’m sure everyone knows, but Fortnite has a ping system now as well as a Respawn function coming soon. That was quicker than I thought.
  2. You can shut it off. Open the map and at the bottom left of the screen I think it tells you what to press.
  3. Yup, mine have come regular mobs or from Mini Bosses, one just in Free Roam now. One of those Spider Mechs was out in the open and it dropped one. Always try to kill Titans or any of those mini type bosses cause I believe they drop 2 items typically and its prob one of the better chances for a Legendary.
  4. God dammit, just got a Legendary to drop, I think its my 4th ever, and it was a gun I already had a Legendary of...... Better roll but meh
  5. I saw a lot of chatter with people whining about drop rates, but I feel this game has a pretty good balance right now. Legendary drops prob need a tick up, but Masterworks drop pretty frequently, so that I'm still really excited to see one. I dont want them to go the Division route where literally ever drop is a Gold so its not even exciting to see them.
  6. That might be Brins Legendary? I’m pretty sure it’s a Brin contract so just continue doing her contracts or missions since it’s working again. Freelancers not sure. I have all those complete though.
  7. 6 Components? 282 Max 2 Weapons - 94 Max 2 Gear Slots - 94 Max 1 Support - 36 Max 506 Max i believe.
  8. Go to the Challenges Screen - Expeditions - Agents. See if all those are completed for Brin, I have 2 separate arcs for Brin - 4/4 and 6/6. Also I believe the name of the Legendary Contract is the same each day, but the actual tasks vary day to day.
  9. Its been great. Having items drop and knowing there will be much more relevant rolls is so nice. Crafting also is much more viable now. I'm going to start working on 3 builds per Javelin. I need some "Luck" Builds for drops, then a "Harvesting" build which I think nets more resources when your collect them. That'l lbe useful for Crafting if I can start collecting some more Masterwork Embers while on Free Roam. The inscriptions have a lot of variety to them which can be used in a lot of ways for various builds. I got a Papa Pump Shotgun with +65% Armor that I plan to use on my Colossus to help me tank more. If you're early on and feel that Guns are pointless cause of your abilities, in end game with Masterwork weapons with their perks, they become A LOT more relevant, and you'll have fun using a bunch of them.
  10. I'm getting nicely geared up by doing a variety of content. The Legendary Contracts, Free Play, and only a small handful of Strongholds. I seem to get a few Masterwork drops each Freeplay sessions I run, so it always feels worth while. Now that you can craft for cheaper as well, I'm going to need to make some Harvesting Builds to maximize Masterwork Components I come across in Freeplay. The Build Diversity in this game is really good from what I've seen. Each suit has a few different ways you can play it, and couple that with the different Perks you'll get with Mastercrafts, there really are so many options.
  11. Running the Tyrant Mine and so far 2 Masterwork 1 Legendary getting to the boss. Not a bad run.
  12. I have been running through Legendary Contracts like they were nothing on GM1 until today. Now I'm getting wrecked, but using my Ranger which was my weakest suit. They had a Fury in each of the 3 I tried to run. Those things pretty much one shot me everytime.
  13. Just got the message my 9820 Coins for last week came through...
  14. The issue with any Squad based game, is it always feels like its your teammates fault, not matter what. Overwatch was the worst with this. Oh I died, its cause my dumb teammates weren't doing what they were supposed to do. It's never your fault, always someone elses. I'd like to say I dont suffer from this, but typically my initial thought is usually where the hell were my teammates I knocked one and weakened the second where the hell is my backup, all their fault. I had to stop playing Overwatch cause of how frustrating it'd be playing at higher ranks. I love Apex, but without a more fleshed out Stat Tracker or Progression system, I feel less inclined to play right now. I know thats shallow to say, but I like playing things where I unlock new shit or have stuff to earn. So I'll ease up on it a bit til the March update hits.
  15. They are adding Chests at the end of Strongholds which will contain cosmetics to earn, I think on a seasonal basis? They talked about it on a Stream, you'll earn Keys doing Daily Tasks or something then at the end of each Stronghold there will be 4 chests to open, and if you or a member of you party has keys, you can open the chests. They also said if your team opens chests, you'll also that the reward from their chest. The system is still being worked on, but that is the basic idea. I also believe they'll be adding Challenges that reward different cosmetics are rewards as well, as they've always stated that. The 4 Titans Challenge rewarded a Vinyl. I think maybe with all the backlash regarding MTX's, they wanted to keep that stuff limited at launch until they get a handle on everything.
  16. And with a few of them, I think it's pretty clear they aren't quite finished, which is why i hope every once and awhile we'll log on and you'll see some new conversation bubbles to keep these little stories going. Hopefully some with missions attached. Its why i dont mind these Games as a Service over a stagnant single player story. I think they will have a lot more freedom to keep this world alive and growing, rather than beat the game and move on to the next. I want to see where a lot of these threads and stories go. I'm sure the first month or so is going to be dedicate to get bugs and the big issues with the game fixed, but hopefully once they nail all that down, they can start to focus on more content content content.
  17. This is not the Loot Patch. This went live this morning though.
  18. Ubisoft has been really really good about listening to feedback, and ultimately delivering some pretty good post launch support of their games.
  19. TL/DR Inscriptions will now be more relevant No more White/Greens on Lvl 30 Crafting Masterwork now 15 instead of 25 embers Also in the next day or two. Quick updates, which is great.
  20. Are either of the Yellow ones an Agent Mission, with a human figure instead of like the box? Also walk around town, go up those stairs near where the Sentinel stuff, go left and right, make sure the Commander doesn't want to talk. Go in the bar even if it doesnt show a convo bubble. There must be something you need to do to keep it going.
  21. That’s kinda how I go into thee games. Are the core gameplay and controls there. With Destiny the shooting and gameplay felt great, so I gave Bungie the benefit of the doubt and put the time in waiting for the game to get great. With Destiny though it cost en extra $100 on DLCs to get there and they never really added some of the stuff I really craved in a looter shooter. I enjoyed Divisions gameplay too, even if now it feels a bit slow and cumbersome compared to Anthem. I feel Anthem has the important and hardest parts nailed. Controls are amazing and the gameplay is fast and fun. The world is gorgeous with so much potential to be added within it. The Javelins themselves are all so well done and play so uniquely. Now they can focus on more more and more content within the world they created, focus on Quality of Life improvements, and they’ve said they are even working on a whole new Map and Javelins as well. I still think this game will have a good future.
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