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Everything posted by IdeaOfEvil

  1. It really is. Just like when those people who disagreed with me open posted about how I needed to kill myself by hanging, and that all my friends should be shot dead because we have like-minded views on a movie we find terrible. But oh no, the trolls of this board are all fine with hanging comments, yet the line gets crossed when I post an amusing KKK jab... It's so childish on these forums all I can do is laugh hard when the trolls do their trolliest, lol I'm sorry man, if you know me then I apologize for not knowing you. Yea, we've all migrated from the great IGN boards, and I was definitely in the anime forums since the beginning, and I was there before the boards even existed in '96, and that probably shows my age. But whoever you think I am, you're wrong. I've never complained about a movie based soley on gender. Done. There's nothing more that I can say about this weird accusation. Maybe you're thinking of someone else from the IGN boards since I didn't carry over the same username from there? I dunno, but it's really creepy to see someone say this about me when I don't post much here, when I don't post what you're saying I'm posting, and how I really never go on tirades. At most I should only be known here for doing screen grabs threads and year ending "Rate the movies you saw" threads... *shrugs* But now, if you want to go into some deep meaning "existential crisis" about me posting a harmless photo that's already been circulated around the interwebs for awhile now, then that's all you *shrugs* It's a funny picture that has caused an odd reaction here when the only reaction (two reactions) should have been "haha" or "boo", and then posters moving along. Now we've got people talking about actor worth, other movies, "MO's", and whatever. And I'm not gonna apologize for not facing each issue one by one in a post, because you've said it yourself - "I don't care about The Last Jedi (sub in: weak D1P call-outs) enough to argue or change your mind on it, but this problem goes way beyond that film or Star Wars or the MCU (or D1P's absurd trolling)." Hell, the only reason I'm replying to you and your post is because at least you're being civil with your words (wrong, but civil, lol). The death threats, the physical harm to my and my friends being (etc) that I've received in the past from the trolls here? Yea, they don't deserve or warrant my explanations, and they'll never get any. But you're cool... and I love johnny, sooo, congrats on receiving this reply? lol
  2. What? I don't post here enough to have an MO, lol! And I've never concerned myself with the looks of a woman as equating to there being a good movie or not, haha! You SJW/KKK (Knights of Kathleen Kennedy) D1P posters won the war and ran all the fun out these boards long ago with your bullying and glad-handing made up nonsense. It's why there's so few people posting in here anymore. But I digress... I'll still come back for the small, but interesting, talks about movies when they happen. But it's so hard to separate great analysis from the city college pyscho-babble that a very specific select few of you throw in here and there that it becomes a legit chore to get through a lot of posts... A LEGIT CHORE, haha. If anything, spinning a stupid photo I found somewhere else, where it's found to be funny by a good amount of people, just shows how miserable a lot of posters here are because of their hatred for life and for me (apparently), lol. It's a funny photo of two people in ridiculous costumes, and the "standard" of beauty in the eyes of the majority of human beings is clearly with the wrong gender. But I'm sure you'll try and spin that logic into some hate-bait against lgbtq/minority/wtfbbq-sauce like usual. Eh, whatever...
  3. I believe Disney likes the money that they dictate to the fans on how to give it to them. "You don't want R! You want PG-13! Now give us money!" lol
  4. I believe this about as much as I believed Kathleen Kennedy when she said she would respect all of Lucas' Star Wars creations when Disney first bought him out
  5. So far my disappointment with Brie is that someone mixed up her workout videos with Spider-man's =(
  6. I didn't like how Timm focused all of Beyond's energies on making the original Batman heroes and villains seem like idiots (especially Return of the Joker). But I did like the universe and future settings when it focused on them. So hopefully this movie won't try to hearken back to anyone/anything from before and will be about something of its own creation
  7. Both my parents worked in the medical field all my life, and I've worked in hospitals for many years after college. I've seen a lot of diseases and real world effects they cause to friends and family. If Roman's leukemia is nothing more than a work to get him over, f*ck him and f*ck Vince. It's definitely a personal sore spot for me, so I'm not gonna hold the same standard to any other wrestling fans. But it is what it is.
  8. I really want an Outbreak remake - Something from the RE2 city that had multiple co-op play in different scenarios in all sorts of different areas
  9. There's still a lot to be desired in terms of them making a good company. I mean, it's great they're signing some good talent, but wrestling is a pageantry that needs a lot of things to make it successful. -They need good theme music for their wrestlers - so why not sign Jim Johnston? -They need good bookers who have a classic sense as well as a new sense of story telling. Jim Cornette would be a good consultant to sign (although I think he hates every wrestler signed so far, lol). But Jim and Tommy Dreamer and maybe even Jim's podcast partner Brian (whatever his name is) would be good to have associated with AEW just because they know so much of the past in wrestling -Commentators. I think I read once that Ross and Tenay were signed, but I never heard that news again -Championship belts - How many? What will they be called? What will they look like? Who will design them? The NXT titles are probably the best looking belts in any company atm. But it could be very easy to design something as ugly as the WWE main championship belts, or even the new UFC championship belts And there's still a few more pieces to think of - interviewers, ring announcers, video game companies, t-shirt designs, ring rope/mat colors, etc I'm excited for a new company, definitely. But there's a lot that isn't being talked about that isn't increasing my excitement in the right way yet
  10. 4/10 Rumble for me It's not as bad as the worst Rumbles Vince has ever booked. But it followed the same pattern of crap that all other middle of the road Rumbles ever did. -We got no surprise entrances (Abyss was announced as signing with WWE how long ago? And he didn't debut tonight?! No classic superstars that are more able-bodied than Jarrett and Angle?? We couldn't even get a one-off female surprise? Whether classic WWF or someone from TNA's heyday of womaen's wrestling? <Velvet Sky, ODB, Angelina Love, etc>) -There was so little-to-no promotion of hope that Balor could win the title that his squash match didn't even matter. It was a flat burial that followed every other David and Goliath scenario the WWE promotes with Brock - He has three moves of doom, something happens in the match where he gets injured (and not injured by his opponent), his opponent uses everything in his arsenal against Brock and the injury, but Brock is so monstrous that even with an injury and all the moves done against him he still wins -Nothing new was set up. Rowan comes out to help Bryan, but we can't see some kind of reformation of the Bullet Club with Anderson and Gallows coming to help AJ? Or even coming to help Balor? -The Rumble has no rules, but we skirt this feint line of "Well, anyone can come out and take someone elses place" that we don't go full monty with it? Why not have more NXT wrestlers show up? Why not let Zach Rider show up? -The cgi entrances are gross. Period. I could go on and on, but this will suffice. At least last year Vince allowed surprise winners happen even though they wouldn't get the main event, and it looks like he's back to not caring about making the Rumble fun again.
  11. This isn't Big Show/Kane ending a Royal Rumble terrible, but it's still bad.
  12. Whelp, Vince has gone off his meds and clearly shitting his pants at this point
  13. Up to #26 and nothing amazing has happened. Just a bunch of NXT guys showing up who will never have a chance in Vince's world title scene
  14. I swear, if Roman makes some miraculous comeback tonight to win the Rumble, Vince and him deserve to burn in hell
  15. Vince shoulda gone full tilt. Jarrett comes out dressed as the Blue Blazer. Then Blackman comes at as the Blue Blazer. Then Jason Sensation. And then an Owen look-a-like. And then Bret coulda come out, got halfway down this terrible entryway and passed out from being old, angry, and concussed. And only then would have I been entertained with Jarrett being in the ring.
  16. Whelp, the men's rumble is off to a hideous start =/
  17. Wow, I typed my last response only 4 minutes ago... Way to prove me wrong Vince
  18. Brock needs these kind of matches so he can have his hoss ones at the major ppv ones. Balor will give him a long match, only so Brock's Wrestlemania match can just be a cake walk of suplexes
  19. Whelp, logic further evades Vince with this ending
  20. I like watching Bill Maher because he shits on people. So I can't get mad when there's a little splash back on to a person (or culture of people) that I like. This'll pass, he'll continue shitting on everyone like usual, and I'll have no reason to hold his Stan Lee comments against him when compared to everyone else he talks about.
  21. Hmm, I wonder if Fincher has had this animated itch in him since he originally signed up for a new Heavy Metal movie all those years ago that got cancelled all those years ago ??
  22. Interesting episode this week, but it's feeling off from where I was enjoying it during the first season. Michael's Mary-Sue status is less prominent this time around, but the inclusion of the religion aspect and showing her denial of it for science is already making me roll my eyes. I want more science and political drama. I don't want theology mixed with moral turpitude. And it's nice that the crew is getting more integration, but we're losing any sense of military conduct for it (which is bad). People are running around on the bridge with left field plans, talking over people, jumping in seats that they're not qualified to sit in, people are breaking rank and clapping when a job pulls through at the end, etc. It just feels sloppy. New, but sloppy. And it's something that's going to get old real quick if it doesn't change. Also, once again the Pike character is a standout in this episode, but *minor spoiler*his injury sustained*minor spoiler* makes me fear that he's just gonna end up in wheelchair like every other Pike has been in in every other iteration of the character. I hope to God the writers don't go down that familiar road this time around and actually do something new with him. Especially this Pike. It's still Star Trek, so I'm happy that something's out there in the world to watch. But it isn't bullet-proof, and I'd hate to get as sick of this show as I did with Voyager and Enterprise after watching the first season or two back in their day...
  23. I've never given up on a book, but I have skipped entire sections to move passed a point that I've ever struggled with. Last I can remember, I was reading Bram Stoker's Dracula, and when I got to the chapter where Mina is asking questions to the old port man about what happened on the Demeter I had to skip it entirely. The language and slang were giving me headaches, and if I didn't skip it I know I would have stopped reading the book entirely. And once I did, I didn't miss what I didn't read in the slightest. So, you might find it beneficial to not entirely drop a book, but maybe skip ahead to another chapter just to see if something changes and piques your interest there.
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