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Hurricane Game

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Everything posted by Hurricane Game

  1. The Gods have bestowed me with a code I don't need and I would like to share the wealth! Post in here and I'll pick a number tomorrow at noon whomever has their number called will get the code. Disclaimer: It's console only but it will work for PS4 & PS5!
  2. Resident Evil 4 Remake Street Fighter 6 Diablo 4 Wo Long Tekken 8 Final Fantasy 16 In no particular order.
  3. To remove the taskbar chat icon, access Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > toggle Chat to off.
  4. BATTLEFIELD 2042 UPDATE #2.0 WWW.EA.COM Find out what’s new in Battlefield 2042’s Season 2 Update, Master of Arms Slowly, but surely they are getting there. I'm looking forward to the update tomorrow!
  5. Sorry! Something went wrong! SMILE.AMAZON.COM or Sorry! Something went wrong! SMILE.AMAZON.COM
  6. Exactly! I certainly don't want it to fail after I paid for it! I really hope it realizes it's potential and they learn all the lessons from this. They are on a great track so far I hope they don't derail themselves!
  7. I know it's not popular to like this game right now, but they are making a lot of great changes and hopefully it has a resurgence ala final Fantasy 14.
  8. Both. You just have to stick with it, if you do, you'll find it's very rewarding and you get a ton of bang for your buck. Once you learn the enemies it gets a lot easier but it'll be a while before you get there.
  9. Nioh 2 is probably my favorite game in the last 2 years, I can't wait for this! I'm still playing it 500 hours later and I still haven't reached the true end. It's an amazing experience.
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