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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. I think there is something sacrificed by having 8 hour-long episodes vs. 24 20-minute long episodes, and that was a creative decision they had to deal with. Sometimes I think it works better, but by necessity it means tonal inconsistency since you can't just have a "silly" episode even you only have 8 episodes to work with. And before anyone compares it to One Piece, One Piece is not even remotely close to narratively coherent and nowhere near as emotionally impactful. One Piece doesn't ever *have* to feel like it's going anywhere
  2. I'm six episodes deep, I enjoy it. 1) I wasn't initially stoked on the new take of Iroh, but I've grown to love the way the actor portrays him (it's like following up robin Williams as Genie) 2) I was worried that they wouldn't give Zuko a proper stint as a villain, and they didn't. But I think it works for the tone they're going for 3) the way they combine storylines doesn't always work and makes things feel tonally inconsistent. Episode 5 is a perfect example of that 4) LOVE the music. The way they weave in "little soldier boy" during Irohs scenes is brilliant and will (hopefully) have a big payoff later 5) the acting is inconsistent, but it doesn't really bother me. They're mostly dealing with kids. The guy who plays Sokka is great, and the guy who plays Zuko is also mostly great. Aang and Kitara... The kid playing Aang was literally 12 when this was filmed.
  3. I think Jack Black can be funny, but he should never be the star of the show
  4. Ooooh, he was really good in Burn After Reading. I forgot about that one.
  5. Get the fuck out of here
  6. Fair point, but I would argue that his looks are a large of it his character in those movies "look at this absurdly attractive man speak like a dummy" is kind of his deal. it's not his acting ability, it's the fact that you don't expect him to act the way he does.
  7. Also Nickelback isn't that bad
  8. Brad pitt is not a good actor and never has been. His most iconic roles have always been "he's Brad pitt." Any time he steps out of his lane he sucks. Sometimes even when he IS in his lane, he still sucks. Like when he played Achilles in Troy. On paper, Brad pitt is the perfect actor to play basically the platonic ideal of a warrior (they should have modeled Achilles after Tyler Durden to an extent, I could write an essay on that), but it turned out like shit. Brad Pitt is good at acting like Brad Pitt.
  9. I don't know how anyone could have seen his segment from last week and took away "he's just both-sidesing it." He clearly said multiple times Trump is worse, but when we get so far up our own asses that we can't even criticize Biden, maybe that's a problem, too. I can say that I will 100% vote Democrat in November but also say that they kind of suck sometimes. That's not both-sidesing.
  10. Yeah there's a whole plotline in the books about how Ciri's dad wants to impregnate her, it's gross as fuck. I imagine the show will not touch that one.
  11. Never start with the early ones. They're rough and only playable if you already know what you're doing
  12. I actually think season 2 is better, though more uneven. The first episode of season 2 is what I wish the entire series was. Just Geralt doing Geralt shit and getting into hijinks. The story becomes immensely less interesting the more it tries to go into the grand "who can rape Ciri first" conspiracy realm, which is the same way I felt about the books. I just want someone to make a monster-of-the-week show about Geralt and Yennifer, like a high-fantasy version of the first few seasons of Supernatural or the X-Files.
  13. There's a mission in War of the North, about ~10 hours into the game, that as far as I can tell is basically impossible to win if you aren't playing multiplayer or using cheats. Absolutely killed the game for me. Other than that, it's a fun game.
  14. I just got home from work about an hour ago. Celebrating the end of the night by drinking a hard Arizona iced tea and some beef jerky. Dinner/breakfast of champions.
  15. You're correct, but that has nothing to do with my snack preferences.
  16. I got $25k tax-free after my mom died, then I injured my shoulder and couldn't work for like 4-5 months. That money was gone within a year and I didn't even do anything nuts other than buy an expensive laptop.
  17. I love almond milk but it is obscenely disastrous for the environment so I generally don't use it. Generally I'll use oat or coconut depending on what I'm doing with it. Edit: to be fair, almond milk is not as bad for the environment as dairy farming
  18. Depends on what you did that resulted in said hangover. Epic night you and your friends will always remember? ... Worth it. It was just Tuesday and you're a piece of shit? ... Not worth it.
  19. I have a strange relationship with it. Where I live now? No. Why? Because I don't want where I live now to feel like home. It isn't home. I don't even own a bed frame. It feels like the minute I own a bed frame and put up artwork, then this is my home. I like to live like I could pick up tomorrow.
  20. I will also likely never be rich unless it happens by accident. Fuck the grindset, live your life. You are not a machine to be optimized for capital output. There is no such thing as an unproductive day.
  21. I don't make six figures, but I also live an incredibly spartan lifestyle. Almost everything I own except for what little furniture I have could fit in a couple duffle bags.
  22. That's why I usually tell people to start with 7 or Memories of Celceta - because they're short like the older ones, but they feel modern like the newer ones.
  23. Oh I forgot about last year getting frozen shoulder. Straight up couldn't move my right arm for like 3-4 months. The pain for the first couple months was insane. I've had broken bones that were less painful. And it was constant like a tooth ache. I had to relearn how to sleep.
  24. Not permanently, but my job is fairly physically violent, so I do injure myself fairly often. Right now I'm dealing with the aftermath of swinging my knee full-force into a dishwasher while I was at work. I hit my knee so hard it broke the skin. On a flat surface. I've broken like half of my fingers bartending (granted most of that was when I worked for a place that had old kegs with no handles so you had to throw them around and hope they didn't fuck you up. Most bars now don't let you stack kegs for that reason).
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