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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. Gettysburg - -2/10 GODDDD this movie is fucking boring. It's not as actively bad as Gods and Generals, but dear lord, you could take 2 hours out of this shit heap and still have lost nothing of value. Any time the narrative shifts away from the Chamberlains it just loses all narrative steam. And oh dear baby Jesus, the "both-sidesing" of this bullshit boils my piss. Then they'll fucking waffle on about "aLl mEn ArE eQuAl" before fucking going back to "gooooood ol' porch-sittin,' lemonade-sippin' noble southn' gentlemen by the grace o' God." My anti-Confederate proselytizing aside (I actually like movies with a pro-confederate bent like Ride with the Devil or The Outlaw Josey Wales), "Give me the report, Colonel: The Movie" is not a compelling film, and that makes up about two thirds of the runtime of this fucking shit pit, and that doesn't even have anything to do with the "I'm fighting for my rights" confederate justification bullshit. This movie makes me angry. Luckily I'm not going to bother with Gods and Generals, even speaking that name aloud makes me feel like I have a hemorrhoid. It's just been a long time since I've seen Gettysburg and I wanted to see if it held up as crappy as I remember. It was worse. I was thinking 4/10, not -2. And HOW IN THE EVER LOVING SHIT PISS DO YOU MANAGE TO MAKE PICKETT'S CHARGE BORING?! It's the "climax" of the film, but it lasts like fucking 45 minutes, we don't even see Colonel Chamberlain, who is the closest thing this travesty of a film has to a protagonist during the whole fucking thing. God, this movie sucks and is bad. Also, as an aside, fuck George Pickett. He gets hero-worshipped in this movie, the guy fucking sucked. He almost single-handedly caused a war between the US and Britain because he thought the country could rally behind a common enemy to save the Union (or something, who knows), then joined the Confederacy because he's an asshat.
  2. Yeah, that's a thing. New Orleans and Charleston aren't as big of a deal because they're like... not big. Most of the city is within walking distance if not biking distance, depending on how central you are. I know you're joking, but I used to live there. I used to commute between Vancouver and Hillsboro every day. Never fucking doing that again. Vancouver is actually where I went to middle school.
  3. It's a good show, and some of the fight sequences are awesome. I'll agree that some of the show looks like a juiced up Telltale game, though. And I'm against imagine dragons just like in general.
  4. I kind of weaned myself of shampoo. For some reason I thought it was making me go bald (it wasn't and I'm not, at least not yet), but I used to get greasy hair like crazy, to the point I was sometimes shampooing twice a day depending on what I was doing. My hair would get greasy fast. I slowed it down to like every other day, then every couple days, then once a week, then to now where I just use shampoo when I feel like I need to. My hair stopped getting so greasy. I condition my hair almost every shower, though. Not sure what conditioner even does, really, but it feels nice.
  5. I've never been, but I've been reading that Houston has been investing a lot in their light rail over the last decade or so, so that's cool. They also are still expanding freeways. One of your freeways is expanding to like 14 lanes or something? Demolishing thousands of homes and businesses that now have to relocate further down the freeway, thus inducing demand for said freeway and not helping traffic in the long run. There's also the HSR being built between Houston and Dallas, but that might not be done until like 2040. If it ever gets completed. You'd be the real gem, though, not the light rail.
  6. I've thought about it. Lack of good transit infrastructure is a thing, though And wherever I move, I'm not planning on staying there forever. Ie I'm not buying a house or anything (I wouldn't buy a house in Miami. Or New Orleans for that matter).
  7. Glory - 8/10 Easily the best Civil War movie ever made, not that it's an incredibly high bar, Ron Maxwell can eat a dick. Glory is the only Civil War movie that is actually ABOUT the war that doesn't quibble with morally gray both-sidesing bullshittery, and also doesn't shy away from the blood and guts. You see a guy get brained in like the first 2 minutes, and that scene is followed by a casual discussion about the Emancipation Proclamation while a dude is getting his leg amputated and screaming in the background. The music is obnoxious and I'm not sure why every civil war movie has to have basically the same score. Something about doing a Civil War movie apparently means you need to have a boner for timpanies and woodwinds. That aside, it's a great movie. I don't know why we have a billion movies about Vietnam and WW2, but like 10 about the Civil War, and most of them are westerns or are directed by shithead Ron Maxwell. I want a true blood-and-guts Civil War movie that isn't about bushwhackers. Glory came out 32 years ago and we haven't had one since. Also I know Denzel got the Oscar for this movie, but Morgan Freeman and Andre Braugher are just as good.
  8. I don't know if you can even call it a town... it's just like if a cardboard cutout of a suburban home fucked a Wal-Mart and then got bitten by a radioactive spider and now 2 million people live there.
  9. I want that heat. Ever since I started fucking off to places like southeast asia during the winter, I want hot and humid weather. I want the air to be damn near drinkable. The heat doesn't bother me nearly as much as the cold. Benefit to @Biggie I do a full shower a lot more when it's hot, cause, y'know... sweat.
  10. If I already think Portland is too cold, there's no way in hell I'm handling midwestern winters. I've spent probably 4 Christmases in Indiana and Ohio and never plan on doing it again. Weather below 40 degrees turns me into a little baby.
  11. Gangs of New York - 6.5/10 For as iconic as Daniel Day Lewis' portrayal of Bill the Butcher overshadows everything else about this movie, ALL of the performances are fucking fantastic. Jim Broadbent as Boss Tweed to even John C. Reilly. The only picks to nit about this movie are some really kitschy camera bullshit that screams "late 90's/early 2000's" like on-the-nose slow-mo shots for sYmBoLiSm, and also whoever scored this movie was on crack. Looking it up, jesus christ, Howard Shore scored Gangs of New York. He scored the fucking Lord of the Rings. I don't know what kind of shit he was taking when he did Gangs of New York, but holy christ is the music jarring at times. All that being said, there is a lot of brilliant storytelling in this movie that I missed the first time I saw it, but it does get a bit garish. and I LOVE the late 19th century as a setting in pretty much everything. It just makes me want season 2 of Warrior.
  12. Savannah is somewhere I forgot about. That might be interesting. I've never even heard of Asheville. I don't think it meets the weather target, though. Asheville looks about the same as Virginia Beach - slightly colder than Portland in the winter, but slightly hotter in the summer. Not significantly different, though. Same with Raleigh.
  13. A better way to explain it - new Orleans gets cold. New Orleans gets cold for like 2 months. Portland gets cold for like 5 months.
  14. Virginia Beach and Portland basically have the same weather, only Portland isn't humid. Not that I mind humid anymore, I actually prefer it. Virginia Beach is basically slightly colder in the winter and warmer in the summer, but other than that it's basically east coast Portland as far as weather goes.
  15. So, I've been trying to move out of Portland for like 5 years. Something always comes up that keeps it from happening. I get into a relationship, or some bullshit happens with my job or my money, or whatever. I have to be out of my house by the end of January. I have the money to move. It's kind of a shit or get off the pot moment. I want to move somewhere that is warmer than Portland, which pretty much rules out the entire east coast. I don't want to buy a car, so that rules out most of southern California/ Phoenix (I do know people who have lived in LA without a car, but it's not easy) So.. what's left? Austin? New Orleans? Charleston?
  16. To anyone who might be saying "why didn't they have basements" - tornados are not really a common catastrophe in Kentucky. Kentucky is not flat. Usually tornadoes require a vast flat plain to form. That's why America and Australia are the only places in the planet where tornadoes regularly occur. We've actually had "tornadoes" in Portland over the last decade. Not like serious shit, but they've happened. Climate change.
  17. I didn't think WW84 was as bad as many here, but I did actively wipe it from my memory until it was brought up in this thread.
  18. I mean, for most businesses that is actually the case. But if you go far enough down the supply chain, the only reason prices go up is because someone raised their rates because they can.
  19. I don't remember an uproar from fans (this was still in the baby phase of MCU), I just remember lots of shit coming out about how toxic the relationship was. Iirc Terrence Howard got paid a lot more than RDJ for the first movie, then RDJ got a massive pay day for the next one while they actually offered Howard *less* money then they gave him for the first one. He was like "kick rocks." He wanted a raise equal to RDJ's. It's understandable. I did check, and neither he nor Norton have done anything with Disney since, though now that I think about it, Disney didn't buy marvel until after the first two MCU movies came out. Hulk was a universal movie iirc.
  20. Just gotta do the classy thing and pay your parking fines in pennies like a true gentleman.
  21. Also, if this is all true, Disney will never work with her again, and maintaining a healthy relationship with Disney is pretty goddamn important in show business these days. Imagine being an actor and willingly blacklisting yourself from the largest movie/show producer on the planet. Over a shot. The Terence Howard stuff I understand. There were a lot of egos involved and it was legit contract shit. Edward Norton I also get because he's a diva and wants creative control over everything Edward Norton does, plus he's already very well established, so it's not like he needed the MCU contract (the MCU wasn't even a thing yet when they filmed the incredible hulk). But, like... A vaccination is going to make you throw away millions of dollars and blacklist yourself from Disney? Fucking unreal. Plus, I wouldn't say that Norton or Howard are necessarily blacklisted from Disney. I haven't checked their filmography to see if they've done anything with Disney since then, and I remember the Terrence Howard stuff getting particularly ugly, but it's not like they halted a multi-hundred million dollar movie in the middle of production.
  22. Okay. That kind of stuff annoys me. It's like when people rate a restaurant poorly because they had to wait 25 minutes for their food. Maybe I don't care, I just want to know if the food is good
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