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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. One thing I'll probably get better at is being more creative in combat. Then again, that's opening up as well.
  2. YES! Now that I have something that carries lots of cargo that can be repaired, I can now claim tons of cargo and help other players out. Also, the trike is still useful because it may be quicker to go from a camp, quickly deliver something on a trike, come back and then zoom to another place and deliver something. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO THE ZIP LINES YET OR THE MUCH HYPED AND TOUTED LIMA BEAN POGO STICKS!
  3. Finally can create trucks into of using the shitty batteries of the MULE trucks (though they came in handy). Sweeeeeeet.
  4. There was a great find someone made from one of the most-read sci-fi magazines at the time, and people complained exactly about the bold.
  5. NOT IF ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT, I HAVE! One thing time has done well is allowing me appreciate the craft that went into designing the worlds. Attack of the Clones I straight-up think has a plethora of issues compared to any of the others, including the prequels, but knowing that a ton of people worked hard to make a good movie, I still love watching how much work went on behind the scenes. The Prequel Wars sucked because you couldn't really be in that camp.
  6. I wonder, though, if Rian Johnson's vision of a trilogy -- if that's something that he knows he can do in three acts -- is still cool within that. Also, whenever reviews start to arrive, could we make a separate thread or at least not put a Metacritic/Tomatometer in the title? I rarely go into movies without knowing the critical consensus, and I'm actually going to try to go into this blind to the critical response.
  7. I didn't even know they dragged you away because they haven't gotten me yet. This reminds me of the Bloodborne side mission where an enemy had to defeat you in order for you to do it.
  8. I'd like to hear you elaborate on this. Also, if I introduce my g/f to Star Wars, I'm starting with Rogue One. I want her to see something recent first, and I'd love it if she saw Rogue One and then freaked out seeing Tarkin in Episode 4.
  9. All candidates who qualified for the debate have signed a letter with Cory Booker to relax the debate rules to allow more candidates. DNC says no because the rules were already agreed to by all campaigns: On one hand, there are strong contenders who are being left out. On the other hand. Andrew Yang carved a spot over congresspeople like Booker and Gabbard and a former Cabinet member in Castro, which could also mean their message just isn't resonating. Plus no one cares about Delaney. Plus, I totally get having all of them there considering we've already done 10-person debates this year, but a debate is better when there are fewer people so you can go more into the back-and-forth, which you can't really do without screwing over people's time anyway in debates with more participants.
  10. This is exactly what I loved about the roads. I remember days ago getting them connected from Lake Knot City to the Craftsman and to the Distribution Center south of it, and I got the roads built far south from the Distribution Center to help get me to Timefall Farm, and I'm like, "Wait.... I can do two deliveries quicker than I could do one because I can just put stuff on a bike and zoom down to the distribution center, or Engineer, instead of carrying a bunch and getting through the rivers and past the mules. Like, there's a HUGE motherflippin' sense of satisfaction when you "connect the world."
  11. I think it's the Force, basically, and they already feel like they know each other with their connection to the light side of the Force and their connection to Han. That's the way JJ described it, IIRC, and I honestly think it's a fine way that the Force was used for story purposes. Chewie being in the shot is the bad part. Me neither, mostly because it had to be pointed out to me afterward.
  12. I need ziplines in my life. I was already getting excited about getting the roads complete. SHIT. FUCK. IT'S ALL IN THE MIND. @Keyser_Soze
  13. wtf, zip lines come later in the game? FFFUUUUUUUUUUUU I gotta get further. I did a little Diablo III playing and now I need to get back and expand my network, probably need to get out of Chapter 3.
  14. Andrew Yang likes Biden (but honestly likes everyone). Some excerpts from an interview: On Biden: On Bernie: On taking a VP slot: On which candidates running against him could be in a Yang administration: On adding a woman to the ticket:
  15. I'm sure you went around proudly quoting, "I don't like sand," as if it were well-written, too.
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