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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Was rooting for Ohio State just so the thread title looked even sillier in retrospect.
  2. TLJ was review-bombed. There are groups "reverse review-bombing" RoS. CinemaScores are far more reliable than groups who review bomb movies like TLJ, and it got a great A while RoS was a B+. It didn't get better word of mouth than any of the Star Wars films since the prequels.
  3. Word of mouth isn't actually as good, but it's certainly benefiting from a holiday week that TLJ did not. Still feels weird as a trilogy finale that there's even a chance it doesn't surpass the second film domestically.
  4. I actually was spooked by him. Those eyes, man. I thought the orange was spooky in Revenge of the Sith, but the white eyes were disturbing. It was more similar to Episode 6 than 3. My issue, and I have a hard time articulating it, is that he didn't seem like he was controlling the enemy. Meaning, it was obvious that Snoke was in control of the First Order. And it was obvious that the Emperor was in control of the Empire. But with Palpatine arriving out of the blue in this movie, when he shouts something like, "Don't fear their feeble attack!" he just seemed disconnected from the battle overhead.
  5. Batman didn't "lose cartilage" after he retired. It's what happens after years of stress to the joints. It gradually wears down, and he did plenty as Batman, plus got 8 years older, to have body issues. It seems like most of your "nitpicks" are things you didn't understand. Another point: Batman is chased when he returns. The cops divert their chase from Bane to go after him. And the entire reason they go after him is because they think he killed Harvey. They're happy to see him during the climax because everyone knows at that point that it was a lie and the Dent Act was built on a lie, that Batman saved Gordon's son and was not the villain. Nitpickers don't become good filmmakers.
  6. Wait, that's the thing you think he forgot about? Everything from not killing to Batman being a symbol to the League of Shadows was followed through in TDKR, but the one case in point you're making is his knee? Whaaaaa? The doctor says he has no cartilage in his left knee. He's limping because all the shit he did caught up to him in his older years. Wear and tear of the body is real.
  7. Definitely better than Peyton Manning when he won his last game at the Super Bowl. Guy just plugged Budweiser.
  8. I'm saying you didn't really "evolve." It's half-baked. Read it again: "Sure, evolve, but going from, "Haha no one planned it this sucks all the movies sucked and Disney dictated it down" to "Haha this all sucks and everyone went with JJ's idea because no one else had ideas" after telling someone it's "amusing" to think a director would have a lot of control of their own movie is one hell of a half-assed evolution and apology for being so wrong." It went from a Corporate plot-by-committee story to all directors could do it themselves and you used both to show what a bad approach it is. That's lame.
  9. Brah: Sure, evolve, but going from, "Haha no one planned it this sucks all the movies sucked and Disney dictated it down" to "Haha this all sucks and everyone went with JJ's idea because no one else had ideas" after telling someone it's "amusing" to think a director would have a lot of control of their own movie is one hell of a half-assed evolution and apology for being so wrong.
  10. I actually think TDKR has gotten better with age. I thought it was great then and I was surprised that the critical reception was different than some of the fan reaction. One of the things said at the time was it was some kind of anti-Occupy Wall Street film and some right-wing film. I thought that was peculiar, one because Nolan donated to Obama in 2012, and the other because he's tackling a hero that doesn't want to kill or use a gun. He learns in Begins that justice isn't about revenge but harmony, that his personal vendetta to see someone suffer is missing that people like that someone exist because of larger corruption in the city. And it was never about the mindset that people who oppose rich corruption are bad; it was about someone weaponizing that who does not actually share the same interests. Bane's whole speech about Gotham's corruption is great because there are parallels with today's climate as well. There's clearly lies and deep-seeded corruption in the upper levels of government that seed distrust, and someone who is significantly worse than all that is able to convince people feed on that mistrust for his own ends. Just good shit overall. The spiritual enemy, the anarchist enemy, the militant enemy, from Begins to TDK to TDKR.
  11. Yo, you just argued with a bunch of people here that Disney is pulling the strings and now you're finally realizing that JJ controlled the direction because he's the director. But for real, Star Wars has actually allowed lots of control depending on who the director was. Lucas didn't get everything he wanted in the OT despite being the originator of the idea because he had many saying no to him. That's why ESB feels different under Irvin Kershner than A New Hope did under Lucas. And it's why the prequels felt consistent in the blander acting under Lucas even if he had good ideas that weren't implemented well. I still appreciate the PT for the ideas. Hearing Luke talk about the prequels directly, about the failures of the Jedi which allowed Sidious (not the Emperor as he called him in ROTJ) rise to power, I think lifts the story of the PT. Because it always seemed weird that the Jedi couldn't detect Palpatine controlling things from the shadows as the phantom menace, but you had to accept that the Dark Side just clouded things for them. To string that into 8 -- the myth of the Jedi being better than the reality, "never meet your heroes," the Jedi failed and then Luke failed because that's what Jedi do -- was a really fantastic way to take good story ideas in an other lackluster (still enjoyable for me) PT and really making them shine. The Jedi being outsmarted and outmaneuvered by Palpatine wasn't a plot hole; it was a history of failures that should be learning lessons, where you take the good of what the Jedi represented and you learn from their mistakes. As Yoda said, "We are what they grow beyond." FUCK, this makes 8 an even better end to the saga! YO.
  12. “I thought I was dead!” McDiarmid told Digital Spy in a recent video interview. “I thought he was dead. Because when we did ‘Return of the Jedi,’ and I was thrown down that chute to Galactic Hell, he was dead. And I said, ‘Oh, does he come back?’ And [George] said, ‘No, he’s dead.’ So I just accepted that. But then, of course, I didn’t know I was going to be doing the prequels, so in a sense he wasn’t dead, because we went back to revisit him when he was a young man. But I was totally surprised by this.” 2:35 (timestamped)
  13. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/radio-broadcaster-don-imus-has-died-n1108081 If you forgot who he was, he was the one who called the Rutgers women’s basketball team "nappy headed hos" which he said was a joke.
  14. Dude, you're complaining that TLJ is dumb when you're arguing that there might be an atmosphere on a fucking asteroid or a monster's stomach in ESB.
  15. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/north-carolina-voter-id-law-will-be-halted-by-federal-judge
  16. Was the not enough to indicate that I'm teasing? The main point that we have bigger imaginations as kids so we accept things that we wouldn't accept as adults is one that is true; it's why the opposition to the Force being expanded at all is met with opposition from adults, not kids. But elderly/infirm is a g'damn joke, holy shit, it's literally a line Karl says about himself in Up to trick the kid into catching a snipe.
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