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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/north-carolina-voter-id-law-will-be-halted-by-federal-judge
  2. Was the not enough to indicate that I'm teasing? The main point that we have bigger imaginations as kids so we accept things that we wouldn't accept as adults is one that is true; it's why the opposition to the Force being expanded at all is met with opposition from adults, not kids. But elderly/infirm is a g'damn joke, holy shit, it's literally a line Karl says about himself in Up to trick the kid into catching a snipe.
  3. The way his motivation for being a double agent was done left a lot to be desired. It was rushed and it was just exposition. But I actually think the motivation was a good way to end his character in these three movies. In the first film he clearly has animosity toward Kylo Ren but respects Snoke, and in the second film he has to take orders from him. Deciding at the end, screw it, I've never liked him and I want him to fail, was a pretty sensible way to end his journey in the story. It could have been flushed out just slightly more, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense considering the past two movies.
  4. So the footage was cut in 2014, likely for time constraints since any movie running in syndication doesn't have all its scenes. So the scene he demanded was in the movie at the time and didn't do a thing to improve the movie was cut for time's sake in 2014 and they just got around to getting offended by his exclusion.
  5. That doesn't make any sense, but mostly because it's not as impeccably written as TLJ's script.
  6. The masks wouldn't protect their skin to the elements of space. This is what happens when you try to make sense of a fictional Force instead of enjoying the craft behind a movie and the arcs and themes. The movie that would come out of this would be awful because it would be too busy explaining the Force, how skilled someone is, showing boring training montages, what permanent level-up someone got that it wouldn't be able to get out of its own way. Not to mention a lot of this is wrong, so let's break all of this down. Somehow you accepted: Luke being able to come back and defeat Vader despite not getting any more training after getting his hand cut off and no real training in between movies to have any proficiency with his saber. New powers popping up each movie. The Emperor having lightning and Vader choking people through monitors with no knowledge as to why they'd have different powers of why no one else could choke people. Yoda doing 1/100th of what he did in the PT. But Leia moving through space to get back inside a ship is where you draw the line? Really? She's a Skywalker; why wouldn't she be able to do something cool with the Force like, I dunno, feel her brother's presence in a deus ex machina in ESB? Somehow Leia can't even move using the Force because now we've set an arbitrary limit on when she can use the Force and decided that telepathy is the extent and not movement? Luke was defenseless because he threw down his light saber. He goes from losing miserably in one episode to overpowering Vader the next movie, which happened very shortly after ESB. You accepted that, but you can't accept Rey being proficient even though 7 even establishes that she can fight? This isn't an issue with the movies; this is an issue with the fact that you were young and accepted everything when the PT came out and now you're elderly and infirm. Star Wars movies apparently will only work to old people if it's just a training montage for two hours and then the movie cuts to credits when they're about to leave to go do something. No arcs, characters, themes, or plot, no beautiful moments and lines and amazing finales, we need to spend most of the movie establishing rules and exposition and explanations to a fictional fucking Force. Only if you can't easily follow plot, themes and arcs and get everything wrong about them.
  7. There's no atmosphere in his mouth. You're literally twisting the laws of science to make sense of something more nonsensical than something in the ST when you know that the same "issues" are there. You can hear sounds in space. The Empire gang should have died in the creature's mouth (and what the hell is the monster feasting on? Waiting for smugglers whoare running away from the Empire?) after being exposed to space. Either you need to accept that none of these supposed problems with the ST are exclusive to it, or you need to dislike both, yo.
  8. Everything got bigger and bigger in the OT. Everything. It only seems flashy/not crazy because you're used to it. This: is "crazy." The most we saw before was moving really large objects (which aren't small scale, and Yoda even says that 'size matters not') and Force Pulls. Electrifying someone to death is pretty nuts. It was a plot device. I don't know what you feel is "shoehorned," but all Force powers are "shoehorned" to get people out of predicaments. Luke getting out of dangling in peril in Cloud City was a Force plot device and telepathy. Obi-Wan gets away from the Imperial troopers via mind control. Watto not being under the influence of mind control of Jabba not being under the influence is simply plot devices so the Jedi can't do a power we've established is possible. Sidious not being able to sense Vader when he can sense all his thoughts about Luke is a plot device or plot hole. People talked about it even then, using insane head canon to talk about the Force clouding things or whatever they made up. Luke using "the Force" to make the impossible shot without a computer is a plot device. Yoda lifting Luke's X-Wing out of the water is a plot device so he can get to Cloud City. I don't know a line more arbitrary than "stupid crazy heights just for the sake of it being there," especially since the only one I can think of is Sidious using Sky Lightning.
  9. Asteroids don't have atmospheres. It's another part of a long series of parts that don't make sense scientifically that you accepted when you were younger. So let's make sure we understand this: a Force-sensitive person like Leia surviving space, that's nuts. But Han and Chewie walking around an asteroid without a suit, this was the one asteroid that breaks science and has an atmosphere and that's cool? DUDE. There was no reason for OT Obi-Wan and Yoda, trained Jedi with decades of experience, to not do the twirly stuff they did in the PT technically. But then we'd be limiting ourselves for no reason, establishing that somehow, even though new powers were introduced each episode in the OT, that those powers introduced was it and no other Force powers existed beyond what we saw in the OT. The increased powers weren't "progression and development of a character" as much as they were better Force powers to get a character out of a jam. Force Pull didn't exist because it wasn't needed in 4. Neither was jumping high. Neither was the same character choking somebody through a screen and yet having to put his hand in a choke hold to do it on 4. All of it was crazy wild. Choking someone to death using your thoughts through a screen is really fucking wild. So is shooting lightning from your hands. The only thing that seemed crazy wild is Sidious's sky lightning in RoS.
  10. I felt that was from the blast and she used the Force to allow her to come back inside in one last gasp. She certainly wasn't unphased from what happened, though! If anything, TLJ did a better job depicting how someone reacts to space than *gasp* Empire did considering they were just walking around a creature's mouth on as asteroid with no atmosphere!
  11. Meh, that's JJ's fault for going back to the vault with Palpatine and "guy beneath big bad redeeming himself to fight big bad" and viewing this trilogy as the end to all 9 episodes instead of concluding these three. Yes, the vacuum of space didn't phase her, as we saw with our heroes on the asteroid in Episode 5 who didn't die despite not even being Jedi!
  12. The only reason it pushes anyone's disbelief is because you grew up with the OT, and despite how many ways the Force was expanded to get somebody out of trouble, only now that we're boring adults with no imaginations is expanding the use of the Force considered a joke or impossible! The Force complaints are so weird because it goes back to the same thing: people's "solutions" to movies are to remove conflict and tension, regardless as to how much they have to bend that that's not really what they're saying. It's literally to the point where Star Wars fans find it to be affront to their sensibilities that new powers could be introduced whatsoever that were in the OT despite the fact that the OT did it already in its own three movies. A New Hope We know the Force exists but only knew vaguely that it's an energy that binds the universe together. But wait! Imperial troops stop our heroes, but Obi-Wan is able to use a Jedi mind trick to fool them into thinking that R2 isn't the droid they're looking for. Holy shit, Vader can choke someone without even touching them. And then, we see that if you use the Force, you can block laser fire with your laser sword, AND you don't even need to use your eyes to do it! Yo, Vader can just sense Obi-Wan is there (but strangely can't sense Luke even though they're related). Hold up, Obi-Wan can speak while dead. The Dead Speak! And using the Force allows Luke to fire into a tiny hole without the use of a computer. The Empire Strikes Back Now we've established what The Force can do. WRONG! Because Luke is captured by a monster with no means of escaping, so Force Pull becomes a thing, allowing him to get his light saber and escape. Hold up, now Obi-Wan can show himself to Luke. wtf, Vader can choke people THROUGH A SCREEN now? Hold up, now Luke's ship, which he needs to escape, can be lifted from the water. Hold up, Obi-Wan can actually appear and walk and move even though he's dead. He doesn't even have to be alive to walk around and talk to Luke! But wait! Luke gets put into a freezing chamber but now he can jump REALLY high to get out of it. VADER can cause Force Hurricanes and throw a bunch of shit at Luke by just concentrating somewhat. Damn, Luke's dangling in Cloud City, but he can call out to Leia and she can hear him call out to her. HOW BLOODY CONVENIENT. Return of the Jedi Okay, I guess that's it. Wait, Luke can flip in the air now? Hold up, NOW Vader can sense Luke is near while he's on the ship even though that wasn't a thing two movies ago? Luke can backflip?! Vader can sense that he has a sister by getting in Luke's thoughts?! WTF? LIGHTNING?! In order to enjoy Star Wars, you have to realize that none of this is weirder than the PT (wtf, they can just zoom through space instead of running? Sidious can just throw things willy-nilly instead of focusing? Even Dooku has lightning powers? Why didn't Vader get lightning powers?) or ST. It became normalized for you through decades or soaking in every Star Wars movie rewatch after rewatch, it became normalized after we've soaked in every video and essay about the Star Wars films, it became normalized after just seeing that was a thing in a movie for 40 years. You know what The Last Jedi actually does better than the OT, and there's a whole list of things it does better? Putting stakes and consequences behind a new Force Power. The big one that was introduced is set up, it's described, the consequences of its use are briefly mentioned but not lingered (so if you're paying attention to the script, you know that Luke is doomed after its use), and it's not a deus ex machina as Luke has to die in order to do it and with no way to use his ship. And he does it by using the Force like Yoda: “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." He never even tried to hurt Kylo with it (and couldn't in order to save the illusion); it was used to save people, and there were actual clues to its use by his light saber and footprints and hair. Kylo literally was fighting a ghost of his past using this Force Power in a phenomenal climax, and all the vocal minority can complain about is how they've never seen it before and is somehow an unrealistic use of a fictional religious force that has never established overarching rules for what the Force can do. It's one of the best uses of the Force that prompted applause from the audience when I watched the movie and everyone saw Luke concentrating far away. And thus, a well-written and dramatic use of the Force needs to go despite hurting a movie's conflict and story and character arcs so we can try to find a grounded approach to the fucking Force. Obi-Wan says his sister was hidden during ROTJ, not ESB, so we had no earthly idea that two kids were hidden from him as we didn't even know Vader was his father until the end of Empire. The only thing we knew then was that she could just sense him to save him. That was it. The only reason it doesn't push your suspension of disbelief is because you grew up with it, so now you just accept it as being normal, not even as a deus ex machina.
  13. Grand Theft Auto V Minecraft Mario Kart 8 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  14. No, Star Wars is definitely continuing, and the personal affront people take from some or all of these movies will continue regardless as to whether or not the Skywalker story is taking a break.
  15. Film Critic Hulk has a great write-up about TLJ (which he loved) and the fanbase's obsession with the franchise. And he includes himself in the, "Why do we care so damn much about Star Wars?" crowd, so it's not a knock. This part sticks out: But the biggest part, because I've encountered armchair people who said this phrase:
  16. The pacing to the movie wasn't even slow lol. It certainly wasn't, "pew pew," like the final chapter, though, because it gave you time to breathe. It's also not a slow part of the movie, tf? I have no idea what you're talking about with the big text.
  17. "Casino scene" is also the equivalent of saying "Cow farts" when talking about climate change or "Chicago" when talking about gun control. 1) A fake zinger that's not as clever as the person thinks, 2) A misunderstanding of the issue, and 3) All answers begin with C, wtf
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