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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Yo! HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE spoiler in the picture in this tweet. Don't click unless you've straight up finished the game. It's a theory about the ending. Interesting.
  2. The Last of Us Part II - Masterpiece These were the thoughts I gave in the official thread, with spoilers marked: 2020 Games Death Stranding Overcooked Resident Evil 3 Remake Yakuza Kiwami 2 Resident Evil 3 Remake (Hardcore playthrough) Overcooked 2 Final Fantasy 7 Remake The Last of Us Part II Now back to Persona 5 Royal, another great JRPG this year alongside FF7R.
  3. After the masterpiece of TLOU2, I'm back to Persona 5 Royal. As weird as 2020 has been, video games have been bitchin'
  4. Okay, so about the debate and other impressions of the game: So as far as the main themes of TLOU2: When they announced TLOU2, and when I saw the great reviews, I still wondered how the story would compare and if the game as a whole wouldn't be the swan song the first was. But it is the swan song. I mean, we still had Iron Man and Persona 5 Royal and FFVII Remake and RE3 and Nioh 2, and have Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk and all that, and 2013 had a lot of quality in itself, but TLOU2 is a potentially seminal work in story-building in the video game medium and a marvelous game on its own. I don't think there's necessarily a need to rank the stories opposite each other. By all accounts, TLOU2 had me on the edge of my seat and verbally cheering and gasping in ways the first didn't, but the first also had to create this world and characters, while sequels have the benefit of having much about the characters already stated. 2 had a worthwhile story to tell and makes the first story even better for me. Kudos to both, and bravo for the risk of telling the story how they did and soaring to the stratosphere.
  5. Yup, that's where I saw the numbers. I actually thought I was going to miss more only because I read your post about missing a lot.
  6. Oh shit, and I even knew better. I'll edit that. I missed some things but actually found most collectibles/artifacts. I received trophies for finding all work benches and safes (loved that they made you think a little more to find out some of the combinations), and I may have missed a journal entry or two. Gonna start compiling some thoughts on this, including the debate I read.
  7. I'm reading through everything right now, so it's possible one of my next posts will just be quoting 10 people and going, "Yeah I agree." Except this: Ha! Moderate, though I set resources to hard after what I THOUGHT was a long time. Also, my final playtime.... is it even a spoiler? I'll just say it: 36 hours. wtf?
  8. I had this weirdass dream about the election last night. I dreamed that someone who was a former governor of Arizona announced by himself he was VP. His name was John Cusack (like the actor but not the actor, his face looked like Rep Crenshaw because he had an eyepatch), and he puts on a hat and says, "How about John Cusack?!" and everyone cheers. The goal was to help win the west. Pretty sure that name came up because I watched 1408 a few weeks ago). The thing is, this person was transgender and went by Kaitlyn (pretty sure he did because I watched South Park last night and Kaitlyn Jenner was in an episode), so Biden did fulfill his promise to have a woman as his VP.
  9. Same, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was, "wtf" and then it was "But didn't he announce years ago he was going to do this?"
  10. That's what I bought it as. Fucking steal for $10. Literally. I was arrested for buying it and had to go before a judge.
  11. I'll beat TLOU2 in time to start this at launch. I'm wondering more about Persona 5 Royal. I think I beat the fifth palace and there's still a lot of content to go, but I put it on hold for TLOU2, so I think I may have to put it on hold AGAIN once GoT arrives.
  12. The confederate flag ad isn't a burn. The Jodi Ernst ad isn't a burn. The Russia one definitely is, but getting under Trump's skin gives the ads earned media coverage. Some of these ads which showcase his limp COVID response, for example, get Trump riled, and the news talks about them by playing the ads and talking about their merits. Trump earned media coverage like this in 16 and saved a ton of money doing so. This is strategic and gives an ad worth thousands the equivalent of millions in terms of exposure.
  13. There are also plenty of ads that are designed to sway and/or make the Republican candidate completely unacceptable.
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