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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Representatives who came to her defense. Rep Gallego, Iraq War Veteran representing Arizona's 7th: Rep Dean Phillips, centrist member of the New Democrat coalition: And I'm posting Ayanna Pressley's tweet just to warn @GeneticBlueprint about it:
  2. Marc Bernardin, producer for Star Trek: Picard: "The Last of Us Part II uncomfortable in the way that great art can be uncomfortable. It is challenging in the way that great knowledge is challenging. But it is also transcendent."
  3. I dunno, I thought Hard provided a good challenge but nothing insane.
  4. I eventually earned a plat in the game. It was a grand ol' time considering the trophies don't ask you to do something dumb, silly, or useless. Even getting Odin's ravens was fun. In a lot of ways, it's really a collectible, but you're killing the bird instead of collecting something, but it's done really well story-wise.
  5. I am so looking forward to next-gen God of War. Also, if you're enjoying the Valkyrie fights now, wait until you get to the end of that quest line.
  6. 538 has a great story up dealing with Collins and Gardner: How Can A Senator Vote With Trump Most Of The Time And Still Be A Moderate? Emphasis mine on the last part. It's something I've noticed for a long time, and I don't think it's news to, like, half of you. The only bipartisan thing I remember Collins being in the front lines was Don't Ask/Don't Tell.
  7. But man, that's when I really realized how good the combat was. It's like, holy shit, you become a countering brute of a machine.
  8. Just because you just beat it and OP hasn't played it, I'd put that in spoilers. Fire Realm is a lot of fun! I'd think it would get frustrating, but the combat is so good that you don't feel like the AI is playing by different rules.
  9. I want to watch all of Veep (only watched through Season 2) and I know South Park is on HBO Max now (was on Hulu). This will likely be my next streaming service purchase as my Hulu subscription will expire soon.
  10. Quite the commotion in Colorado: Senator Gardner requests Republicans take an ad down four months after the family of some of the deceased in the ad asked them too. Family is not pleased. Backstory:
  11. Welp, since we're on this discussion! Translation: "Ghost of Tsushima" has been well received than expected, and some stores are out of stock. Currently, we are rushing to carry out additional production, but the download version is also available on the PS Store."
  12. Excellent info, thanks for sharing. I've been catching up on TLOU2 articles to read about the development, cut content, influences, themes, etc., so this will be a nice addition.
  13. I pet the fuck out of them. However, I noticed that sometimes I can't find them afterward; they only pop up sometimes for me. At the beginning of the game, I thought you were supposed to hunt them. I saw one sitting around at the beginning and I started crawling toward it hoping not to startle it. And of course it moved, but I didn't realize it was trying to help me. I went back there yesterday and followed it to awesomeness.
  14. Good move to be cautious. I just got my second last week and am awaiting results. It was more precautionary since I was coming back from vacation. Getting a second antibody test this Saturday. Hopefully you have nothing serious!
  15. He comes back to sentence Salieri to death as a judge and goes when he does it.
  16. Oh shit, that explains why it's so fucking windy so much for me. I do plenty of samurai stuff, but I've definitely been using my ghost weapons more.
  17. Okay, see, I like this kind of stuff: A golden bird leads me to this building. I go around, I climb a ladder, and on both floors, I just see some linen and a couple supplies. After going around a lap, I thought, "Huh, well... I guess it's something." Then I see something flash down below, and in a crawl space are a ton of supplies. I go outside, find a place to crawl under, and grab all of them. See, even having been led there, there's still a moment of discovery when you realize what the bird was really doing. Good shit.
  18. I'm going to come out of this game with a newfound appreciation for foxes and bright birds.
  19. I actually thought The Irishman did a lot with its 3 1/2 hours! Same with Amadeus' three. Most 3+ hour movies scare the shit out of me, though.
  20. I don't know how much further he is from that 7-8 hour mark, but I can't wait until he gets further a head and meets that new character.
  21. I know we're talking about a Square Enix that announced Versus XIII in the 2000s only to rebrand it FFXV and release it in 2016, and the company that announced KHIII in 2013 only for it to release six years later and feel strangely light on content (at least for me compared to 1/2). But FFVII Remake wasn't really that long. Went into full production late 2015 and took a bit over four years for a full-length game with a really impressive and deep musical score. They already have a bunch of themes (Shinra, Aeris, Tifa, boss themes, etc.) and a battle system ready, which I fully expect its core to remain the same; I can't imagine this would take longer to create than Part 1 when they had to figure out what what worked and what didn't and record eight hours of new and remixed music from scratch.
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