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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. I also hate in the article how it says there's something hypocritical about celebrating these deaths when you're supposed to be pro life or whatever. As I was trying to say in my post yesterday we all want to get past this. And there are things we can do. In descending order of priority: Getting these people vaxxed will get us past this. But they don't want to get a shot. Then getting them tested frequently will help get us past this. But they don't want to do that. Having them isolate and mask up will help get us past this. But they don't want to do that either. One thing we can do is hope they don't infect responsible people trying their best. Another thing we can do is hope that if they're going to infect somebody, please let it be somebody as irresponsible as they are. And, like you are saying, maybe one way we can convince them to do the first and most important thing on my list is to show them the abject horror of the people who are doing the last thing we hope for.
  2. A lot of assumptions going on here. A lot of true assumptions. But still.
  3. Why the hell would I put my DL in a bag and keep it in my car? You need ID for a lot more than just driving. Also, we have two vehicles so am I supposed to just keep it in one? Nah. I'll keep it on my person, thanks.
  4. The feelings I'm about to express, in reality, are only truly felt by me maybe 10% of the time. So keep that in mind as I say some awful things. I understand the blood lust. I live in a very conservative area where at least half the population is not vaccinated. I see anti vaccine demonstrators with some frequency on the corner of our busiest intersection. Some bitch coughed in my cousin's face at the hardware store because she and her children were wearing masks. My MIL is severely immunocompromised due to ongoing chemotherapy. I worry about having to go the hospital and not receiving treatment because of ICU beds that are full. I would like life to return to somewhat normal, which it could do if these fucking fucks would get vaccinated. But I moved on from apathy to blood lust when my kids were infected again. Even though we're careful. This could be lethal to my MIL who is now coming to live with us due to her financial situation and medical treatment. When HCA awards are doled out, it is one less person that could potentially infect. One less propagandized fuck twit spreading mental poison on social media. One less selfish dick cheese touching shit I need at the grocery store. Fuck 'em. I'm out of fucks to give. 10% of the time at any rate. They replenish with sleep but I'm always fresh out by bed time. Today I ran out around 12PM.
  5. That sounds vaguely familiar. I think I read something about how he really dropped his own salary and started paying people more in order to screw his cofounder/brother. Or something like that. But that's quite a long con at this point.
  6. Got a feeling there's a milkshake duck around here somewhere. Also worth mentioning r/aboringdystopia
  7. I love how these absolute morons think they're making a statement or whatever but with the military there is no shortage of just-as-qualified people that are able to take your place. Just pure LMAO. Sounds like this guy got as far as he was going to go anyways since he believes all his bosses are communists.
  8. I have been summoned. The county I live in is the headquarters for like 10 of the biggest pyramid schemes. DoTerra, Younique, NuSkin, USANA, Young Living off the top of my head. My cousin, a male mid 30s army vet, got sucked into selling LLR somehow and all my female cousins followed him. Now some of them are doing some fingernail scheme. Sigh. Can't wait to watch this documentary.
  9. LMAO. Okay F-22 pilot. Do you know how many people would kill to take your place? But since you want to take care of that on your own go ahead and make it easy for them.
  10. Eh. I don't really care about college sports. Also, while I root for my alma mater I do get sick pleasure out of when they lose important games because they could be a powerhouse without their "Honor" code. But they'll always shoot themselves in the foot.
  11. Actively posting on Facebook--doesnt matter what you're saying--should be grounds for termination.
  12. Dems bending over and lifting up their skirts for rich people.
  13. I'd be curious what happens if you go to a handful of places and request the J&J. CDC website said J&J was available at a lot of places here but whenever we called they'd say they didn't have them anymore.
  14. J&J is hard to find. My FIL came to visit from Bolivia and I wanted to get him a single shot vaccine but we couldn't find the J&J anywhere in Utah.
  15. That's the one whose name I forgot and couldn't be bothered to Google. Thanks. Agreed with all of this.
  16. When reviewer consensus is positive it's a 99/100 chance I'm going to agree. When consensus is that something isn't good or is mediocre or is outright bad, I could still end up liking it. Hoping that's the case here. But it's more like a 50/50 chance.
  17. Top federal health officials warn that booster shots initially may be limited to Pfizer recipients - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM The acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told a top White House official their agencies may not... Where's my Pfizer fam?
  18. Book of Souls is a bit different I'll give you that. But the mixing sounds a lot like Brave New World or A Matter of Life and Death to me. The sound is a bit dry. I think it works for them.
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