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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. I tend to agree with @Joe that having gone to an ivy league in and of itself isn't bad. I mean I'd absolutely jump on the opportunity if it were granted to me. But I also agree with this sentiment. The last company I worked for had a team that required you to have graduated from Harvard or Stanford to apply. It specifically said those two schools on the job description. I liked a few people on that team and I worked with it all the time. But most seemed like overpaid morons who brought no actual value to the table. One time on a trip a group of us were presenting our product to this company. They had already purchased, but now we needed buy-in from the end users to get adoption of the product. So we were speaking with a group of mid managers. We introduced ourselves the typical way. People from this group I'm talking about were always instructed to give their god damned credentials at the start of these kinds of things. "Hi I'm Jodi and I've been with this company for X time. I graduated from Stanford with honors and got an MBA from somewhere." "Hi I'm John and I went to University of Utah and then got an MBA from Stanford." "Hi I'm Braden and I graduated from Harvard blah blah blah." Of course, I just went to some lowly non-ivy league so when it was my turn I always made some joke that wasn't actually a joke like "Hi I'm Dan and I'm the technical person of this group so I'll be doing all the work while these assholes dick around on their laptops in some corner." Anyways, this one trip after we introduced ourselves it was this management group's turn. First guy goes, "I... I think I'm in the wrong room. I just went to Washington State." In my head I'm giving the Jack Nicholson nod to this guy while my colleagues were turning a little red. It seems like all I did sometimes was field questions from these ivy leaguers about how to configure shit so it would fit into the sales process of whoever we were working with. They were supposed to be business consultants but most of the time just ended up asking me what worked at previous companies. One guy was also a terrible writer. I'd edit his emails before he sent them so we wouldn't look like fucking idiots. He couldn't spell and always made fucking amateur grammar mistakes. Like... This dude is earning four times my salary and all he does is ask me what to do and write shitty emails? Fuck. Anyways, the company went through some layoffs. Guess who got the axe? Mostly the overpaid people who weren't actually doing anything. The entire team was dissolved. Some moved to different roles and were good at what they did. But anybody could have done what these guys did when they were hired. I'm not saying they suck or are (all) dumb or won't be of value somewhere. But they did get in the door and made bank for a while strictly because of what schools were on their resumes.
  2. Games are flying from Wade like anti-communists fleeing Vietnam circa 1946.
  3. Yeah I know. But I'd rather listen to a FLAC rip than Spotify's stream.
  4. Me too. Much more accurate representation of what I listen to since I spend so much time at home now. Not really using Spotify a whole lot.
  5. I did this a couple days ago. I was about to do it again and post mine but you can actually just read @SimpleG's. Swap out his death metal artists for my death metal artists and one comment was different. I got something about converse shoes instead of divas.
  6. Jeff Bezos. I don't think those franchises are worth $5 billion when looking at sales of other studios or franchises.
  7. I see they chose the year where he didn't wear blackface. Convenient.
  8. I feel like this is a thing where Filoni or Favreau made it happen in one episode as kind of a joke and wink to people and then it carried over into cannon. Which is a fucking travesty. Because the OT treats them like they should be treated. Deadly, but whenever they look dumb or incompetent it's because they're being ordered to let somebody escape or lead them to a trap.
  9. Same! Was supposed to have it here (Utah) by Tuesday. But last I saw it was somewhere in Wisconsin.
  10. I have an i7-3770k and a 2080 and the game runs pretty well for me. But, disclaimer: I've only played for a total of maybe three hours.
  11. I wish they'd do all that physical stuff for the PC version because I'd get it. I need to check out this game because I remember watching gameplay and thinking it looked awesome.
  12. Mark Tremonti is a phenomenal guitarist. Anybody should appreciate Creed for his contributions alone. But I also like Scott Stapp's voice even if it's a bit stereotypical for the style and era.
  13. Deep cut. I'm here for it. I've only played a few hours on PC. I know that many have even on PC, but I haven't noticed any bugs and I'm actually surprised how smooth it runs for me considering my CPU is on the base end.
  14. I just took it as a security precaution. Who accessed this info and when? Timestamp picture.
  15. Plus, the content on those streaming services is better than any cable package. But yeah I wouldn't pay for all of them at once. People are insane.
  16. Nope. MIL is immuno-compromised due to the cancer treatments she is receiving. And since she doesn't speak English we're the ones taking her to appointments and translating. So we've been extra careful for that reason.
  17. Literally the only "go back in time" thing I wanted them to do. And they're doing it! I'm excited.
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