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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. Redact Print Rescan It’s not fucking rocket science.
  2. If the trailer for CIVIL WAR spoiled Gi-ant Man I would have been PISSED. His reveal was one of the most happy surprises I’ve seen on the screen in years.
  3. I think you’re underestimating how much ick is a result of having to clean but you’re a wizard Harry.
  4. After developing a healthy callous of cynicism toward awards I find it easier to enjoy the awards shows. BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY won despite being a weak film. Oh well. I support anyone with a vested interest getting upset but for me .. meh. There were a mix of deserving, political, and curveball awards; same as every other award show in history. I did find it alternately hilarious and annoying how the playoff music got rolled but other than that it was a relatively banal show despite a hard line on BLACK PANTHER from Samberg that unfortunately was overrun with laughter. Glad to see they looped Jim Carrey into a skit, he was really in his element. I wanted Winkler to win though, hard working guy. I loved the Happy Days tribute they did for him (during the preshow).
  5. Thats false. Plenty of dems aren’t immediately and irrevocably corrupted by a five figure donation but will take it because it’s fucking stupid not to. Besides, I don’t see any history of pelosi ever reigning in her caucus and it’d be dumb of her to try.
  6. Rather than tank election prospects it would appear that she’s juiced legitimate discussions over a) what marginal tax rates are, b) what is really appropriate, c) whether it’s enough, d) a reminder of America’s prosperous past with high top marginal rates, and e) skewering Republican’s decades long disinformation campaign to confuse people over how they get taxed. It would seem that rather than harming Democrats chances she eating the republicans for fucking lunch. This is how I want all Democrats talking to the media.
  7. Affleck had great potential and I wish he was given a film of his own. The DCEU is over only because DC's chase for AVENGERS level box office receipts is being met by strong solo films rather than artificial interest based on characters with wide name recognition and crossovers. Without the need for that the incentives are changing. They're finding their footing into giving us more consistency enjoyable films. I don't need the crossovers to have fun. Frankly I think it'd be more fun to do it as things come rather than strictly planned. Let the crossovers be a happy surprise and nothing more.
  8. Came here to say go to a pawn shop and get a good plasma. I have a 1080i plasma that has better image quality than most newer cheap displays.
  9. I think RSF was triggered by her use of "All lives matter" and expected us to do the same.
  10. ‘The law is equal because rich men and poor men are equally forbidden from sleeping under a bridge.’
  11. It was a super fun movie and while the quality varied a little there wasn’t anything that happened that I could say I didn’t like. The tonal shifts reminded me of some Chinese flicks I’ve seen (particularly Stephen Chow’s JOURNEY TO THE WEST, which also blends high adventure and fantastic horror) so maybe not all that surprising that it’s doing so well there. Momoa is a potential megastar, I hope he has a better agent than The Rock. Heard is fine but the role doesn’t ask a lot from her so she can’t really stretch her acting legs here. Great to see Lundgren really getting back into the swing of things, and turns out he’s a great actor too (although again this role doesn’t have a lot for him). Really enjoyed Wilson as Orm, we get to see some more of his range here, I really bought Orm as being driven by a sadness over what’s happened to his mother and his land (sea). Yahya was quite menacing, doing that with just your voice ain’t easy. AQUAMAN is basically all I ask from a superhero movie — that it do at least the minimum to have an engaging story with something to say and have some fun telling the story. It was more than the minimum too and wound up being quite a nice time in the theater. Wan is particularly talented with action sequences and atmosphere and takes a movie that’s pretty good and at times elevates it to greatness.
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