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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. Congress isn't allowed to just peek for no reason anyway. It's probably more restrained than I'd prefer but it's prudent to wait for an opportunity to present itself rather than use the multitude of reasons that exist. There will eventually be a reason.
  2. Oh you mean even a cursory glance shows that Sirota's implication is utterly disingenuous? You don't say. That's what I get for giving him even the slightest benefit of the doubt.
  3. Case in point David Sirota engages in blatant disinformation and has for years. He's a fundamentally dishonest operator and if you think he says something worth sharing then you need to get your head examined.
  4. You don't need to be "corporate" to make promises to constituents you have no intention of fulfilling. Can't think of a single pol who hasn't done it. Not excusing it, just pointing out that the purity brigade comprises of nothing but political naifs and those who exploit them. You wanna avoid being over-promised and lied to the only solution is to check out of life completely because this is hardly the stock in trade for only politicians but you're especially naive if you think the Bernie cult is doing anything else.
  5. It's so common for trump to praise people he dislikes it's probably the #1 sign he's about to fire someone.
  6. Is there some reason that Cohen can’t be working an active disinformation campaign because his visit to Prague is really that central and explosive to the case?
  7. Sam Harris self-deplatforming in the name of solidarity with racists and misogynists is fucking hilarious.
  8. And yes this is absolutely something worth getting legitimately upset about. These soldiers deserve to get drummed out.
  9. It's a violation of the UCMJ to be openly political. https://www.army.mil/article/71574/rules_restrict_political_activity_by_dod_personnel
  10. Four justices willing to fly in the face of plain law for partisan reasons.
  11. Trump is the epitome of the conservative movement in every way, a disingenuous grift that agitates white people with racial anxiety to power a corporate shell of political power for personal enrichment.
  12. It always strikes me as strange how the bro-brigade doesn’t think racial justice issues qualifies as progressive. Reparations? What a centrist corporatist position amirite?
  13. I held my breath too and Florida was disappointing but dems still overperformed the senate. Just didn’t over-overperform as I hoped.
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