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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. I've been without a washing machine for a few months, only now really able to afford as new one.
  2. temporarily disaffected millionaires billionaires
  3. Who's going to get tricked by this anymore? I just use the next topic link at the bottom which hasn't displayed the topic title for months. Frankly it's a bit aggravating not knowing what thread I'm gonna enter but whatever.
  4. I wonder what context takes you from defending torture to chiding people for lethal milkshakes
  5. You are dreaming up scenarios where random people you don't know would be upset about something that would hurt them significantly (something that would hurt you, too) and remarking about how you'd enjoy seeing it happen.
  6. Houses have kitchens and bathrooms (i.e. plumbing). The materials for this cabin don't seem like they're worth 20 grand.
  7. The only way to lose the popular vote and win the election is on the back of a white-supremacy-friendly ticket. If the dems ran a candidate like that and lost then you would be the one upset, not me. Good job though, writing a fanfic of an event that will never happen just so you can pretend to taste a sense of unearned gloating over something that makes you a truly wretched human being.
  8. If the house does its job right then it'll make life very difficult for senators who don't convict.
  9. Game of Thrones: you either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become a hero
  10. She chose the people over her dragons and came to severely regret it after she saw how that made them so much more vulnerable. She showed no mercy to her enemies and came to see the citizens of kings landing as her enemies. Simple.
  11. Don't the idiots who work for him know that the only foreign policy that matters is what your domestic constituency cares about? No Iran deal but also no logical conclusion, duh it's not hard!
  12. How about you can just fucking get an abortion whenever you want for whatever reason you want? Fuck bullet points. Done.
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