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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. There are all kinds of honest questions with a solid basis for suspicion that are nonetheless, even if true, wildly offensive when asked in a private setting much less a public forum. Really not sure why there's pushback on this. We all inadvertently say offensive shit, just apologize and move on. Defending yourself just looks like you know it's offensive and don't care except as people push back.
  2. Yeah there are strict rules governing who can be made an acting leader and those rules are not being followed.
  3. I'm on the side of not cool to ask even with good intentions. This is a public forum for one, not a private consultation, and nobody was asking for a diagnosis. At the very least it's rude, even if we acknowledge that the person asking the question had no ill intent. We would have to ask that person to understand the context the question was asked in, which wasn't appropriate.
  4. You don't have to. Terms don't have to be all encompassing. This one describes a whole package of traits because the term is self adopted by people in that community, not because of a strict reading of the term.
  5. I still have to preface my saying I like unsweetened almond milk with, "it's not milk. Nothing is milk but milk."
  6. Why don't we just call them authoritarian feudalists? Oh right, it's not pithy.
  7. Asking Jon Stewart to target you because you're a major personal impediment to getting 9/11 first responders vital care is basically asking for something bad to happen. Few people are as articulate, knowledgeable, passionate, and downright angry about a problem that would resonate across any partisan divide.
  8. Oh man I love writing on a chalk board. I even love the occasional squeal.
  9. They use white boards around here and I honestly think it's a step down for interaction with the students. I felt that back when I transitioned from community college to a tech University and that hasn't really changed. There's just something detached about it.
  10. Bernie sure loves people who will fabricate reality to stroke his ego. Thankfully this is brand new to politics and nobody is tired of it yet.
  11. Different Aldi's also have vastly different qualities, unlike most other chains including their closest competitor Lidl (who I love).
  12. I guess that would contribute to a truly terrible headline, sure.
  13. that rule about headlines that end with a question mark doe (the rule says if a headline asks a question the answer is always no)
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