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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. I'm definitely not advocating for dumbing down games, or removing high difficulty levels—I just think it's nice when they include story modes (or general more-easy modes) to accommodate people who either don't want to play hard games, or can't play hard games (due to various disabilities, etc).
  2. It's annoying to express this opinion in some places online, because it's common to get pushback about people wanting "easier" games that remove the challenge/reward of beating them. As if giving people the option of a less-stressful playthrough somehow diminishes someone else beating it on a harder setting. There's a huge element of gatekeeping in the gaming fandom that tries to keep hard games hard, and really looks down on people wanting an easier experience, even if it's because a person has a disability, etc. It's really embarrassing. In my case I just don't have a lot of free time for games, so I don't want to waste a bunch of it retrying the same thing over and over! Honestly, I play the "story mode" difficulty setting on more and more games, just so I can at least end up finishing them.
  3. It looks incredible, and I've certainly wanted a new open-world action RPG for a while...but the comparison to Dark Souls is likely going to scare me away. I get why people like the DS series...but for me, it's just too punishing for the little time I have to play. If this game is easier and lets me have fun while exploring and fighting, then I'll likely pick it up. If it's too difficult and I need to re-do the same area over 5 or 6 times to figure out some mechanic to beat just that area, then it's not for me.
  4. Well big fuckin' surprise. My shitstain conservative hick government bungled the pandemic so hard that our healthcare system has effectively ground to a halt. Their solution? Saskatchewan considers bringing back program that privatized some surgeries WWW.THESTAR.COM REGINA - The Saskatchewan government is considering whether to bring back a program that would privatize some surgeries to deal with a growing backlog... Someone even predicted this months ago. Cause such widespread death and suffering because of your dumbfuck ideology, and then bring in private healthcare to enrich your buddies.
  5. In Canadian conservative news (where Parliament is banning any MPs from attending to vote unless they are vaccinated):
  6. Oh, they are—they just don't care. The right wing functions off of "rules for thee, and not for me." They will do what they want, and then criticize the Democrats for doing the same thing later. Hypocrisy simply isn't a negative, in their world.
  7. Cases (and appeals) can take a while, but military cases tend to...preserve the military leadership.
  8. 100% not surprising. The largest private care facility network in my province (Extendicare) was actually just nationalized because of this. Government has taken over their facilities after they basically allowed dozens of people under their care to die due to horrible conditions.
  9. Fantastic news, and unexpected. The military is rotten from the top, down, so this will hopefully bring justice to those leaders.
  10. Oops, got him mixed up with another guy that was being discussed (on resetera). So I modify my statement to: Literally electing Democratic pedophiles!
  11. Literally electing a guy who has had sex with kids (and shared pictures of them naked with other people) in order to keep out the Democratic pedophiles.
  12. At Least 8 Republicans Who Were At The Jan. 6 Rally Just Got Elected To Office WWW.HUFFPOST.COM And even more attendees of the rally that turned into the Capitol riot will likely be on the ballot in 2022.
  13. When I used to live with my former best friend, he would drink 2-4L of milk of per day (that's 1/2 - 1 gallons). He had two 4L jugs in the fridge, another few in the fridge in the basement, and then he froze a few more in the deepfreeze. When he thawed them, he had to shake them vigorously to get the fats to de-chunk. So...he was drinking anywhere from 4-7 gallons per week on his own. Coincidentally when he moved away for a different degree he cut out milk and lost about 40 pounds.
  14. I found this: Not a giant difference, but probably enough to make a few % difference in elections.
  15. I actually think this is one of the primary reasons between the difference in success in Canada vs US for the left/right. In Canada centre-left/left-wing parties (if we count Liberal and NDP) do the best in low-income groups, and then also high-education groups. What makes this more successful in Canada (as far as I understand it) is that Canada has a higher % of people with university education, so the pool of high-education voters is simply larger, providing a bigger base for the left. What we've seen in the past 20 years is that low-income is splitting between the left and right, with low-income rural going right, and low-income urban going left. I think the same is pretty true in the US as well, from what I understand. Mind you, I think (from memory) that Canada is also more urban than the US. So that could account for a difference in success as well.
  16. Here's a quote from a user on another forum: And it's true! Like, in the books if the Foundation is about to be destroyed by violence, the solution is to avoid hostility altogether through clever means. In the show, it's...violence?
  17. Anyone still watching? I'm giving up. It's not only completely different than the books (which is understandable, to an extent), but it seems to betray the spirit of the books...and is only an okay show despite the gigantic budget. Apparently the different plotlines were written by different writers, which would explain the vast disparity in quality. And whoever wrote the Salvor stuff clearly didn't read the books or understand the character. It would be like watching Lord of the Rings and having Galdalf be a power-hungry sorcerer who loves violence and can't help but meddle in everyone's business. Like...understand a character before adapting them, even if the story itself needs to be changed because of the medium. Also...people being able to see/predict the future contradicts psychohistory, as well as psychohistory being applied to a single individual. It was actually pointed out in the show itself!
  18. Before watching the trailer I made myself a prediction: It will be about the moon "falling" down into the Earth, and they will use a space shuttle at some point because people only recognize space shuttles as rockets, not real rockets. So...I was pretty much right.
  19. Referendum in U.S. deals blow to Hydro-Québec | CBC News WWW.CBC.CA Democrats weren't the only losers in elections held Tuesday in the U.S. So was a Canadian-led energy project, rejected by voters in a state referendum. It's not an oil pipeline this time. It's a Hydro-Québec corridor to New England — and its future is now in doubt. Referendums are bad and shouldn't be allowed for anything but the most extreme measures. You have elections to elect governments...so let them govern. The entire US system is designed to make governing as impossible as can be.
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