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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. On the topic of carbon capture, the pilot plant in my province has been a failure.
  2. Those posts get the most engagement, therefore Facebook has an incentive to ignore them.
  3. Oh and one of the founders is a Cathlo-Fascist who wants to create a university based on the things he claims to oppose (except of course, for the opposite views):
  4. Your overhang is too small and those soffits on the peak don't look like aluminum—your house is never going to survive a big snowfall!
  5. We know that the solution is simply to raise tax revenue (weighted as mostly at the top as possible) and then increase social payouts/programs. It's a fact. But it's opposed by people who already have a lot of money (who can therefore also spend more money politically to influence policy), so it doesn't generally happen.
  6. Just got caught up on this thread. Not surprised BlueAngel is batshit insane. Trying to think back, weren't they also extremely anti-gay rights back in the day, or something to that effect?
  7. Valérie Plante wins second term as mayor of Montreal | CBC News WWW.CBC.CA Valérie Plante is returning as mayor of Montreal. Plante, the incumbent and the leader of Projet Montréal, beat out her rival Denis Coderre. She leads the city's party "Projet Montréal," which advocates for increased urban quality of life through public transit, greenspaces, walkable neighbourhoods, and other things (alongside making the city carbon neutral). Crazy (and awesome) to see someone with these priorities elected in a major North American city (Montreal has a metro population of 4.1 million), especially so resoundingly (52% of the vote), but Montreal has a fairly unique culture/history. Good reaction from a journalist:
  8. The counter-argument to the dumb idea of putting CO2 underground (where it can escape in the future) essentially boils down to: "Well what if it gets loose?" "It won't!"
  9. Exactly. Vaccines don't change your body in any way, they just tell your body to remember the shape of a potential invader. But easily duped people don't understand that.
  10. 'Old Republic' May Hit Theaters In 2023 - Star Wars News Net WWW.STARWARSNEWSNET.COM Lucasfilm is reportedly working on an Old Republic Star Wars movie for 2023 while they think of pushing Rogue Squadron back to 2024. No word on the director/writer. There are rumours that Taika Waititi has taken over the D&D movie idea (about the origins of the Jedi). Could also be Rian Johnson's film.
  11. The entire process was gamed by moderates to strip meaningful things from the infrastructure bill (and BBB). By playing along and making compromises over and over, progressives allowed the IB to get to a point where moderates were willing to pass...but only if BBB was delayed. The playing along and compromising (as if the moderates would ever act in good faith) is how they got played. In the end they (progressives) votes against the IB, but it was too late, the bill had been stripped down and passed anyway. And now the moderates are free to scuttle BBB as much as they want because there is no more leverage over them.
  12. "Assurances" from moderates that the BBB will be passed at a later date, rather than passing it first like originally intended.
  13. The Democrats (well, progressives) just got played. BBB is likely dead in all but name.
  14. Or something else, don't know. I hope something useful can be discovered, because so far all the carbon capture tech has been very wasteful, and, frankly, pointless.
  15. I'm definitely not advocating for dumbing down games, or removing high difficulty levels—I just think it's nice when they include story modes (or general more-easy modes) to accommodate people who either don't want to play hard games, or can't play hard games (due to various disabilities, etc).
  16. It's annoying to express this opinion in some places online, because it's common to get pushback about people wanting "easier" games that remove the challenge/reward of beating them. As if giving people the option of a less-stressful playthrough somehow diminishes someone else beating it on a harder setting. There's a huge element of gatekeeping in the gaming fandom that tries to keep hard games hard, and really looks down on people wanting an easier experience, even if it's because a person has a disability, etc. It's really embarrassing. In my case I just don't have a lot of free time for games, so I don't want to waste a bunch of it retrying the same thing over and over! Honestly, I play the "story mode" difficulty setting on more and more games, just so I can at least end up finishing them.
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