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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. 100% agree. Lots of Liberal voters (and by that, I mean people that have voted Liberal, not necessarily loyal Liberal voters) would be willing to vote for a centrist PC-type party (as is shown by Atlantic Canada).
  2. Young Canadians launch court challenge to lower federal voting age from 18 | CBC News WWW.CBC.CA Thirteen young people from across the country, ranging in age from 12 to 18, are going to court to argue that the section of the Canada Elections Act which bars Canadians under 18 from voting in federal elections is unconstitutional. An interesting legal challenge. In Canada, the voting age is not set constitutionally, and can be changed by a simple act of Parliament. The current Supreme Court (if they can get that far) is pretty progressive, and has already been very liberal on their rulings on restrictions in voting. I am curious to see how this goes, and if they can get the voting age lowered to 16.
  3. Nothing much has changed since the election. Trudeau's negatives are down a tiny bit, O'Toole's negatives are up (and positives down), but overall the polling is basically the same.
  4. I'm getting sick of people who got their two shots and are now saying things like "I did my part, I'm not getting another one," or "enough is enough." Like, you can't get a tiny needle every six months, you fucking baby?
  5. It's been beautiful to see daily vaccination numbers spike again in the past week now that kids are eligible. Only 5 days in, almost 20% have their first shot:
  6. Apparently a 3-dosed doctor passed it to another 3-dosed doctor (in Israel), and people are freaking out online. But it's important to realize that this is already happening with Delta. There is no word on what (if any) symptoms these doctors had/have. As long as the vaccines protect against severe infection (and hopefully long covid) then they are a success. If they also protect against catching it (and spreading it) then that is even better. But the first part is the most important.
  7. Until today unvaccinated 12+ could still fly, but needed a negative test. Now there is no test exemption, all travellers must be vaccinated.
  8. Here they are in action, collecting loose stem cells into piles (which grow into new biorobots):
  9. Outspoken doctor (pro-vaccine) from Alberta banned from Twitter after being doxxed/targeted by Qanon chuds and right-wing groups (I even believe some right-wing news). He said he'd been getting more and more harassed in the past week.
  10. The price of freedom is that occasionally your kids will shoot themselves.
  11. On the one hand—great, he's clearly a piece of shit. On the other—I expect a bigger piece of shit to take over.
  12. Apparently there are three or four post-credit scenes, and one involves a hint at the direction of the next films. However, the interview in this case implies that Tom Holland will be in the next three films. Personally I hope they age him up appropriately (have a college-years trilogy). If not, then they need to do something new and move on to Miles. Spoiler for alleged fourth post-credit scene:
  13. lol: Holland says. "If I'm playing Spider-Man after I'm 30, I've done something wrong."
  14. Kyle Rittenhouse can be innocent of the charges against him (because he acted in self-defense) while also at the same time still be 100% responsible for those deaths because he knowingly put himself in that situation. Legally he may be in the clear, but I think it's pretty obvious that morally he is not.
  15. So, interestingly, that is actually quite a bit like writing. I know there is someone else on this board who is a published author (self-published?) who has made money from books and they can chime in better than I, but a very common writing style is to just lay out a "vomit draft" (whether by rough outline or just freewheeling) and then go back after and do another draft to tighten, then another draft, then another, etc. There are certainly some authors who have basically published their first drafts with little editing (Asimov was one), but most books go through 3-10 drafts before being the works they end up being. To paraphrase a common saying, you can edit crap, you can't edit a blank sheet—just letting your subconscious create things (and then going back after and improving it repeatedly) is one of the most common ways to write.
  16. The 5-11 vaccine has only been available in my province for 3 days and already 11.4% of the age group has their first shot.
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