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Everything posted by Amazatron

  1. When the remake is done this well (Persona 4 Golden also), and the original game is great on its own, it’s cool. People can choose whether to revisit it or not and those that didn’t play it yet can get a souped up version.
  2. Well this got delivered today, never got a chance to play the original Persona 5 so this gonna be good. 96 on OpenCritic https://opencritic.com/game/8785/persona-5-royal
  3. If my neighborhood goes to shit, I certainly don't want a bunch of new gun owner jackoffs running around playing Walking Dead.
  4. The League was fantastic for a few seasons, kind of fell off in the later seasons but still damn funny.
  5. We just passed Italy in total number of cases, and we'll pass China either later today or definitely tomorrow... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  6. They should have just called this Narcos: 'Murica.
  7. In terms of whether things are getting better, should look at the new cases per day number, which has come down off it's peak for 2-3 days now.
  8. Oh I'm sure the actual infected number is growing everywhere else, numbers can't increase if people aren't being tested.
  9. What a deal, bail us out from years of enriching executives and shareholders, but no upside for you! K THX BYE.
  10. It's really not surreal, not just of this administration but of the GOP. Pro-life only when it's convenient to their bullshit narrative.
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