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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. I was just in UP Michigan on a trip and, conservatively, about one in every three houses up there is flying some sort of a Trump flag in the front yard. I really don't think it's possible that he's going to be forgotten about in one election cycle. GWB was persona non grata pretty much immediately after he left office, as I recall.
  2. I think a lot of people still formulate their opinion of the President based on the general vibes of national media coverage, and I'd say there's a good chance that the Afghanistan withdrawal as hostile as the national media is going to get towards Biden. We'll see if the economic recovery falters (possible!), but if it doesn't I would expect Biden's numbers to improve as Afghanistan falls out of headlines.
  3. Patients overdosing on ivermectin backing up rural Oklahoma hospitals, ambulances KFOR.COM A rural Oklahoma doctor said patients who are taking the horse de-wormer medication, ivermectin, to fight COVID-19 are causing emergency room and ambulance back ups. Please do not take the horse paste
  4. Kinda seems like this is happening again tonight except with a college instead of a high school.
  5. These people are so transparently completely full of shit
  6. Bishop Sycamore’s Capital Crime Was Not Being Good Enough At Football | Defector DEFECTOR.COM If you are a prep outfit that can provide the big programs with talent and TV networks with inventory, nobody stops to ask for your accreditation status. Bishop Sycamore’s undoing was not its abhorrent practices, ultimately. It was its inability to play football at a high enough level. It gave the game away a little too obviously.
  7. One party that can maintain total control of government with like 40% popular support because of some dumbass rules that were invented in 1787
  8. There's absolutely no reason why packing the court should be considered beyond the pale when the court as currently constituted is just doing Calvinball shit like this
  9. He's been in this cycle for like a year and a half where like once a month he puts out a post like, "Looks like I misjudged some things, I'll defer to the experts from now on," and then within like a week later he's back on his bullshit again.
  10. I keep getting to and then absolutely eating shit when I get to his 2nd form and he starts doing the 360 rotating beams of light thing
  11. So it was specifically because of the bit they put in that would require a 7/8ths majority to overturn it. They got greedy.
  12. Okay, I looked up a big map and I *think* I know where you are. Can you get to a room where there's an earthquake effect and there's a face shooting flames at you at the end? There's a way to get further into that room, and that will get you on a pathway where you can backtrack to the green bubble area where you would have been before. Once you can get there, without getting too specific, there is some stuff that you will be able to access at the beginning of Norfair with the speed booster. Let me know if you want outright specifics, but hopefully that's vague enough if you don't.
  13. Oh, I get what you meant now. Yeah, you might be right about that.
  14. It was intended as an easter egg kinda thing. It's not explained in the original manual, I don't think, but there's an out of the way part of Brinstar where the little alien guys teach you how to do it, and you actually do have to use it there to be able to get out of the area.
  15. It definitely takes a lot of trial and error the first time if you're going in completely blind. Moreso than your average Castlevania I'd say.
  16. Orange doors are power bombs, which you get in the orange part of Brinstar (the part with this music). Unless you wanna do some fancy wall jumping that is not part of the intended route of the game, you need to find the ice beam in Norfair to access that part of Brinstar. If you've already beaten Kraid, the lizard dude who's two screens big, then go explore norfair more. If you haven't done that yet, then go find and kill Kraid.
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