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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. I dunno if it was posted in here earlier, but they announced the next leg of the Vegas tunnel and it's somehow even worse than the first part. It's being built in three phases and during the first two phases cars going both directions are going to be using the same tunnel so traffic on one side will always be stopped.
  2. Very curious for a damaging story about Elon to conveniently come out immediately after Elon strongly implies that damaging stories are going to come out
  3. Get those "Republicans want to starve your infants" ads rolling!
  4. Looking like at least one of the progressive candidates whose opponents got a last minute firehose of AIPAC and crypto company donations has a shot at winning.
  5. Look at all of those flare ups, RIP any juice whatsoever in those steaks. Also, she appears to be grilling inside, although as someone points out in the replies, it looks like there's a big range hood above it? Maybe it's fine?
  6. Clarence Thomas should have to recuse himself, as the husband of the Most Online woman in the country.
  7. There's a ton of stuff in there that I missed until I went through the replies. The Waffle House sign during the Falcons part has a 28 to 3 joke. And then the Jags part is referencing the Urban Meyer bar photo . And then Mile High getting set on fire. Just absolutely savage all around.
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