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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. lol, c'mon, this is way more insulting than if they'd just said outright they were above the law
  2. Seems weird not to just leave the whole thing in black and white given how much the idea seems to be to exactly recreate the original.
  3. Still not convinced anything remotely resembling this is actually going to be mass-produced.
  4. It'd be funny if Twitter put together a report that was like, "We estimate that 10% of the average user's followers are bots, and we estimate that 50% of Elon Musk's followers are bots"
  5. The question has been posted to America, is it Morbin' Time yet? And the answer remains... no.
  6. You combine that with the fact that apparently the entire Uvalde city hall is just saying "uh, we're closed" any time a reporter shows up to try and ask questions during normal business hours, and you have to wonder exactly how awful the details that they're still trying to cover up are.
  7. One thing that various urbanist Youtube/Twitter accounts have gotten across extremely well is that every time you see a really walkable city area in Europe and compare it to what it looked like in the 70s, in a lot of cases they were much closer to an American car-filled hellscape in the 70s than you'd think. It's not that they've always been that way since the medieval period or whatever, they started building everything around cars in the same way we have and then at some point made a decision to change course, and have made real progress to that end. It's takes a while, but maybe not as long as you'd think.
  8. Already negotiating himself down in the middle of a statement. Just say they should be banned, period! And if a ban isn't going to pass state in plain terms the people who are to blame for that!
  9. Looking forward for a week or more of "arm the doctors" and "why do hospitals need more than one point of entry" discourse
  10. If you write online for a living, you really should not be still getting scammed from sites called stuff like "West Cook News dot com" here in the year 2022. Click through to see Yglesias also completely buying it.
  11. Remember like 3 months ago when SCOTUS heard a challenge to Republican gerrymanders and cited a made up thing called the "Purcell Principal" to claim it was too close to elections to change anything? Have any of these lower court or state court rulings made any attempt to explain why the Purcell Principal doesn't apply to their decisions? All of this stuff is just absolutely absurd on its face, but most people will never know this stuff is happening.
  12. He tweeted the status screen of his Level 100+ Elden Ring character earlier this week, so it's not like he's doing work or anything
  13. The thing is--just like the "don't say gay" bills--if teachers start quitting because of how miserable an environment it is, that's a feature not a bug for them, since their end goal is to just destroy the public school system anyway.
  14. Seriously, "this is not a time for politics" is such a nonsense phrase. What on earth do you think your job is?
  15. Two of these in a row where the shooter was ready to go with body armor. Fuck off forever with "good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun"
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