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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Just don't say you want your opponents to be strong! You can just not say that! You can say you want a 100 seat majority!
  2. You could still just... not put the bill on the floor though. You can just not concede to the right that the Justices have been endangered by the protests when they haven't been at all.
  3. Once with symptoms, and then another time I tested positive after a close contact and I was totally asymptomatic and never would've known if I hadn't taken a test.
  4. The SCOTUS courthouse has an enormous fence around it right now and the justice's houses don't. People are going to protest in the places they're physically able to.
  5. Absolutely deranged for anyone in the party leadership to still be supporting Cuellar.
  6. Just a reminder when you see Wisconsin on that map, that the majority of voters in WI voted for Democrats in the last election, but the state is gerrymandered to the point where they have like a third of the seats and people who know the math on this stuff say it's basically functionally impossible for them to win a majority.
  7. The flip side of this is that there's a special election for a state legislature seat in Michigan in a safe R district and the Democrat might pull of an upset
  8. It sure seems like the protests stemming from this are going to be the biggest since BLM in 2020. Will they actually change anything? I dunno! But it seems significant.
  9. If people like Jeffery Toobin are to be believed in what they're saying tonight, SCOTUS sees the leak itself as deeply damaging to their legitimacy. If they end up changing their mind after the original decision would make public, how exactly would that look for their legitimacy? They might do it anyway, but for stuff like overturning Obergefell, I don't see why they'd have to. There's already that law in Tennessee that creates like Marriage New Game+ or something for straight people. More state legislatures just have to start passing stuff like that and then getting it in front of this court.
  10. Somebody ask Alito if the Marbury vs. Madison decision was "deeply rooted in history"
  11. Best thing Dem leadership can do in the immediate short term is pull out of supporting this dude.
  12. More and more convinced as the night goes on that the opinion was leaked explicitly so Republicans could make the story about the leak.
  13. I do think it's funny to see how much time he spends posting at all hours of the day when people are constantly trying to deflect criticism from him with some version of "but he spends so much time trying to change the world for the better!!"
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