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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. So uh... is there a story behind how the soviet bloc got into hentai?
  2. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/the-cruelty-is-the-point/572104/
  3. Seriously, though. Between this stuff and Tesla stock jumping on Elon Musk's "I'm taking the company private at 420" tweet that I assumed was a pot joke from the moment it happened, it kinda seems like a lot of the people (or algorithms?) that trade in big enough volumes to move the markets are kinda just dumb?
  4. At least 133 injured, 378 arrested in the most violent protests in over a decade. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/paris-assesses-damage-after-worst-riot-decade-yellow-jacket-protests-2018-12-02/
  5. Pretty much without fail, whatever conservatives are most loudly accusing the left of doing is stuff that they're actually doing. See also: Jacob Wohl and other trying to invent a sexual harassment claim against Robert Mueller
  6. Romaine sucks anyway. Get some spinach or some arugula or something.
  7. Amazing to watch the largest city in the country just completely debase itself for this
  8. so wacky (also pretty sure none of those are new ideas)
  9. Seems like getting half of what was originally proposed is not the same thing as "winning the contest"
  10. Ronald Reagan's ranch, the Twitter account for which had posted a bunch of dumb boilerplate shit about climate change being made up to be a pretext to raise taxes, was partially destroyed in the Woolsey fire
  11. I'm guessing they'll wait for it to be a little longer past the midterms to make it slightly less obvious and then quietly announce that they've "reassessed the mission parameters" or some shit like that and basically send them all home. They already dropped the "Operation Faithful Patriot" name the day after the election.
  12. Hint: https://www.cnn.com/2014/10/03/politics/ebola-midterms/index.html
  13. Like a lot of news stories, everybody probably would've been been better off if there was a 48 hour moratorium on all takes while the numbers sorted themselves out, but obviously that's never gonna happen
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