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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Kinda seems like the security team needs to practice this whole padded shield formation a few more times
  2. Lou Malnati's is the correct answer for deep dish
  3. "Just like daddy puts in his drink every morning, and then he gets mad" was such a dark joke for Futurama
  4. The Carr Fire near Redding, CA is up to 80,000+ acres, 500 structures have been destroyed, and 14 people are missing https://www.kcra.com/article/at-least-500-structures-destroyed-in-deadly-carr-fire-burning-in-redding/22568595
  5. The was a study that was in a news a few months back that suggested that the technology that exists to pump carbon out of the atmosphere might be able to scale up in a way that's economical, but there would still be the issue of where and how to store all of it
  6. Maybe Elon should be helping get cars off the assembly line instead of taking time out to personally deliver experimental baby subs that nobody asked for to the other side of the world? https://www.wsj.com/articles/tesla-asks-suppliers-for-cash-back-to-help-turn-a-profit-1532301091
  7. Imagine watching the last decade of American politics and believing that there's such a thing as the "great middle"
  8. Trying to imagine the person who still cares what Joe Lieberman thinks and mostly coming up empty
  9. Some day soon there's going to be a Donald Trump Presidential Library. Ruminate on that for a while.
  10. He got Joe Walsh to endorse arming preschoolers https://www.thedailybeast.com/ex-gop-rep-joe-walsh-sacha-baron-cohen-tricked-me-into-saying-some-pretty-stupid-stuff
  11. I mean... maybe? Chicago already does not have a great track record for this. There's already a never-used shell of a station underneath the loop from the last time they tried building a new express route https://www.nbcchicago.com/investigations/How-Chicago-Spent-400M-On-a-Subway-Superstation-to-Nowhere-293754431.html
  12. Chicago's letting him build this thing, connecting O'Hare to downtown, (the Blue Line does this already, but improving already existing public transport is just an absurd idea apparently) and I'm terrified it's going to be a massive boondoggle https://chicago.curbed.com/2018/7/10/17549684/elon-musk-boring-company-ohare-express
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