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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Trump rails after poll shows Haley within 4 points in New Hampshire THEHILL.COM A poll released this week found Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley trails former President Trump by 4 points in New Hampshire, prompting online outrage from the former president. Accordi…
  2. I remember thinking 4 had some pacing issues compared to the other seasons, but overall it was excellent. I love season 3. Varga lol
  3. We saved up 2 episodes to watch and in the meantime started binging the other seasons. We are currently halfway through season 3. I love this show! My ranks: 1=2>3>4 I like 4, but it is my least favorite. 5 is going to top it I think.
  4. 52% RT :P I'll keep an open mind since One Piece was good.
  5. I can’t imagine SCOTUS going out of the way to rule he can’t be on the general unless that’s specifically brought to them.
  6. Politico had some articles about an effort to do this in the general election in several states. I don't think it's likely to hold up. The people want Trump back.
  7. I started to believe in renewal after it made it back into the RT most popular shows after not being on it for a few days. That showed me the word was spreading. Hyped!!
  8. I haven't done a lot of research, but I get the impression she should give more to charity, especially now that she is a billionaire. I got no problem with her overall and even like some of her songs, but I'm also not a huge fan.
  9. As with the Pathfinder games, Owlcat tends to need a little extra time to polish their crpgs after release.
  10. I could never get into any GTA game. I finished the single player story in GTA5 and was bored to tears. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
  11. Part of it is a hedge like you said, and the other is preparing for 2028.
  12. Nikki Haley wins backing from powerful Koch network as she aims to take on Trump APNEWS.COM The political arm of the powerful Koch network has endorsed Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign.
  13. I love the innovation in that scene; it starts as a sex scene(he doesn't mind public sex), but it ends in one of the best penis fights ever animated.
  14. I have concerns about handing over a multi billion dollar business to criminals. I would rather us continue on a path of higher excise taxes, education, and smoking cessation products. A lot of these arguments can be used against legalizing marijuana. If one smokes marijuana in the home, there is potential harm to kids and others. The right way to go is to tax nicotine and THC products that can be smoked more than products that aren't. If the result of prohibiting tobacco products is people still smoking with a gray market, I would question whether the policy was optimal or not.
  15. It's about a German swordsman that comes to the shores of Japan as a young man. Everyone makes fun of him because of his white skin and blue eyes, so he gets bitter. He picks up a sword on display in a Dojo and starts playing with it, disrespecting all the Japanese customs. He laughs and spits on the local Japanese students when they tell him to stop. He is instantly badass with it and kills 10+ trained students. They nickname him blue eye Samurai because his eyes are blue and he's white. Everywhere he goes, they attack him and he kills. He goes from town to town undefeated, taking the women he wants. Finally the master of the Dojo from episode 1 challenges him to duel at the end of the season, but blue eye ignores the rules and slits the master's throat in his sleep. He winks at the camera and the credits roll. Seriously though, it plays to certain tropes in a way, but it's a good spin on it and it feels different enough to work. It's so well paced and executed that whether it plays out like other Samurai stories or not is is almost irrelevant.
  16. It’s still good, but I agree that the episodes felt a bit more scattered around. My biggest complaint is the mid season finale. We have to pay money to cut the ads next year!
  17. I went to TikTok last night for my first time ever after I read the Bid Laden story. I wanted to see how so many young Americans are getting their news. I couldn't find any 'news' to speak of. It was nothing but short videos of pure stupidity. If i really wanted to learn how they get their news, I would lose IQ points.
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