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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Groundhog Day 4K Blu-ray (SteelBook) WWW.BLU-RAY.COM Groundhog Day 4K Blu-ray Release Date January 10, 2023 (30th Anniversary Edition). Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals.
  2. Cabin Fever, both of his Hostel films, Green Inferno, Thankgiving. I would like to say "Fin" as well, but considering both my knowledge of, and love for, sharks as a species, I cannot get myself to watch as I know it would be devastatingly heartbreaking to watch, but I do commend him using his position to push forth more knowledge about the transgressions made against the species.
  3. To @Greatonesherepoint, I hadn't considered the Chad being the overseer of the franchise now, so maybe as that happened, then in turn came the delay to make it a better end product. If that is the case, then I applaud the company for having the huevos to delay in hopes of a better return in quality & ultimately, box office numbers.
  4. Must have been pissed off about the increased checked baggage rates they just raised.
  5. As a pretty big fan of the series, I feel that they channeled the soul of those games into this flick and I am there for it through & through. I'll never understand the hate that Eli gets but whatever, over it. I'm happy & excited for this flick, and glad to see it come to life.
  6. REPORT: The Boys Secures Season 5 Renewal Ahead of Season 4 Debut WWW.CBR.COM Amazon Prime Video's hit series, The Boys, apparently lands a Season 5 renewal before Season 4 premieres on the streaming service.
  7. Sony has the best tech to put on their discs, alongside utilization of Dolby Vision & Atmos, as well as the potential for IMAX integration. Granted, we'll see a litany of re-releases of films on even the highest formats, but they'll truly be THE best version of those films on physical media, no doubt about it.
  8. This is seriously tremendous news on the physical media front. For years, us collectors have been lambasting Disney for hoarding their massive catalog of films, all without new or even updated formats of favorite & iconic films & shows. This will help in that tremendously & we could be eating GOOD the next few years then. Between this, and WB recently showing sincere interest in broadening their scope & catalog of vault films being put onto physical media. I am actually wicked giddy about this ... just sucks it all lead off with the canceling of their Movie Club which had been going for 23 years.
  9. Truly happy he's back, wish he hadn't ever left, yet the passionate work he did while away helped a lot of others & brought a voice to key issues. Between both John's (Stewart & Oliver) as well as Maher, I'm so happy to have this trio through the chaotic slog of an election we're doomed to see through this year.
  10. OG NES w/ Super Mario/Duck Hunt (as a gift when I was a kid) For myself, the OG Xbox w/ Ninja Gaiden (also picked up Halo & KOTOR that day)
  11. Not the first time. It's either right or wrong think on many a topic here, but whatever. #MeToo (for real @sblfilmsyou're a genuine awesome addition within our community & we miss your presence. That said, congrats on all the IRL awesomeness you're experiencing and just ... don't be a stranger if you can!)
  12. Because whatever higher power you believe in, has one hell of a sick sense of humor!
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