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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. STFU THAT CANNOT BE A REAL THING!! *EDIT* ...and a quick search later and OMFG NO WAY!
  2. Just in case people want to check out the product, AEW is airing Fyter Fest streaming for free on B/R Live stateside & also on Fite TV in the UK. Matches for the show are as follows: Michael Nakazawa v. Alex Jebailey in a Hardcore Match Cody Rhodes v. Darby Allin in a Singles Match The Elite (Young Bucks & Kenny Omega) v. The Lucha Bros (Penta & Fenix) w/ the Laredo Kid in a 6 Man Tag Match Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose to some) v. Joey Janela in a Singles Match MJF v. Adam "Hangman" Page v. Jimmy Havoc v. Jungle Boy in a 4 Way Match Christopher Daniels v. Cima in a Singles Match Nyla Rose v. Riho v. Yuka Sakazaki in a Triple Threat Match Best Friends v. SCU v. Private Party in a 3 Way Tag Match
  3. Also, in terms of streaming ... who is actually down for this going forward? Please let me not only BUY the games I want to play but also allow me to keep a copy of that license in perpetuity no matter what going forward please & thank you. Fuck streaming a game.
  4. Bottom line, Sony NEEDS to have full Back Compat to fully compete with what MS is offering going forward, if they don't then that is on them and short sighted to say the very least, it will shoot them in the foot as detractors will inevitably ask "WHY!?" Colin, it took me a number of years, but I've come to be at peace with the guy and not only respect but appreciate his view, perception, and point of view both in gaming and politics. What went down with Kinda Funny was bull shit and really it's what Greg Miller & CO. did TO Colin that's bad (to say the very least.)
  5. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with this at all...it's just that I have to be "in the mood" for Refn because of this, you know?
  6. I'm going for Borderlands 3 (already pre-ordered & paid off for the $100 version so I get all DLC) and also the next years' worth of Destiny 2. When Modern Warfare releases, I will definitely rent it from a RedBox and play the campaign, no doubt about that!
  7. What changes to your diet did you have to make either leading up to, or post-op!?
  8. Office work for the most part so no not physically demanding, most mentally and spiritually so. Utilizing this op as an excuse for a week off, I could in theory head right back to work the following week buuuuuut I don't wanna!
  9. How long was your recovery time? I took the following week off of work just in case but yeah.
  10. Yeah I have to always be doing something and having that taken away from me, just the thought of it drives me to the brink of insanity! That said, I've been so busy with work and things that perhaps I'll dive into a couple games I've neglected the last few months and just enjoy the downtime to the best of my ability?
  11. I am slotted to get a surgery done for mine next Friday and I'm freaking out a little bit and just would like to hear anybody else's experiences, thanks.
  12. Definitely share photos and such with us on here. Are you going to Starcast III as well?
  13. So with just a couple matches announced thus far, tickets had gone on sale earlier today at noon EST and in merely 15 minutes, was totally sold out! This is the PPV that will have the following matches: Jon Moxley v. Kenny Omega Chris Jericho v. "Hangman" Adam Page for the AEW Title
  14. "Chef" is a hell of an amazing film so this was a great idea that I'm happy these guys got to pursue. So far my favorite is episode 3 where not only do they revisit a lot of the recipes but Babish shows up as a guest (great cooking channel on Youtube if you wanna look him up its "Binging with Babish") Also, for anyone who loves slow roasted pork that is mouth watering, succulent, melts on your tongue when you taste it pork with an explosion of ALL the flavors, then definitely do yourselves a favor and recreate that marinated & rubbed mojo pork. You'll crave that shit constantly afterwards! It may very well be the BEST way to cook a Boston butt of pork!
  15. So I'm curious, as someone who hasn't seen the prior 3, should I go check this out!?
  16. ...and this is why so many middle aged people are offing themselves at a record pace.
  17. I may very well miss him on The Daily Show, but THIS is the kind of work I really appreciate.
  18. Looks fantastic and like it will be a lot of fun. Mostly looking at this through the lens of an avid Sniper Elite fan trying to see what and where they may go with things in the next iteration of that franchise and I am seriously impressed!
  19. A lot of games stacking beginning of 2020, but overall there was this sense of a holding pattern before the new consoles.
  20. Also, as for Barnes & Noble and even Borders, there's something about going into a book store and perusing options to buy that also encourages its customers to have a seat, grab a coffee, and read wherever before buying. You definitely do not get any of that from either holding an e-reader, or browsing Amazon's site.
  21. Can always make either a 2nd lasagna or a batch of stuffed shells/manicotti and freeze it in (will hold for up to 3 months) then just pull out, thaw, & bake! I always do a double batch of whatever filled pasta dish I decide to make to cut down on the hassle & price!
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