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Everything posted by Brick

  1. Which is weird that they would put that in the trailer if it is Mecha Godzilla which ruins the surprise. They have to know people comb through trailers looking at every detail to find stuff.
  2. I don't know much about Rubin. That's probably for the best.
  3. Also the two most gorgeous people on Earth are probably Chris Hemsworth and Margot Robbie.
  4. Speaking of Kreuk, I sat beside her once between takes when I was doing background work on Beauty and the Beast once. She was chewing gum, and I don't think she took it out while filming, which I found odd. Also one of her assistants (I guess) was stroking her hair, and "aww"ing her while she lamented about hoping this day is over soon, and can crawl into bed. Wouldn't surprise me if she's a bit stuck up.
  5. Let's just hope this is better than a certain other versus movie...
  6. The best thing about Spectacular Spider-Man to me was they did Eddie Brock/Venom PERFECTLY. Like whatever complaints you can have about Venom normally (he's just edgy Spider-Man, he just hates Peter for doing his job, etc.) are kind of moot here because they properly set up Eddie and Peter's relationship, and how Peter fucks it up. If I were in charge of a Spider-Man trilogy of movies (or games I guess), I'd take a page from this cartoon to properly set up Venom.
  7. My theory is that Mecha Godzilla will make an appearance. Maybe even Mecha Kong.
  8. Can't lie, based on his previous comments, I'm now curious as to which women @Greatoneshere would consider smoke shows. Who are his celebrity crushes?
  9. Well in the trailer they say something must be agitating him since he's hurting people.
  10. WTF is going on with this board lately? Have you guys not had sex in too long, and you're getting all horny?
  11. RE 1-3 were third person fixed camera Then a perspective shift RE 4-6 were third person over the shoulder Then a perspective shift RE 7 and 8 are first person, so 9 will probably be too We'll get another perspective shift again, and... Resident Evil 10 will be a third person isometric game. You heard it here first!
  12. God fucking damn it! I was worried about him even before his covid diagnosis because of this past Hell year, and so I got very worried when I heard the news that he caught it. R.I.P. Legend
  13. I had to look her up; holy shit that's not a forehead, that's not even a fivehead, that's a sixhead!
  14. I don't care about him not being free in Russia, I just want him in an American prison after being found guilty for crimes through the American justice system.
  15. Wish they hadn't moved this earlier to March, and kept it in May. If any movie deserves to be seen on the biggest screen possible it's a film about giant monsters fighting each other. I doubt I'll be vaccinated by March. May either, but there's more for for it. GTFO! King of the Monsters was so much better than the 2014 film. It's a movie about giant skyscraper sized monsters beating the shit out of each other. What more do you want?!
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