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Everything posted by Brick

  1. I can't watch the video as it doesn't show up because it's not available in Canada, but given CayceG's response is it John Oliver's show from Sunday night?
  2. Probably depends on your starting class, and the stats for each. I'm going to go with the Hunter's Axe. I use this site for build planning. MugenMonkey MUGENMONKEY.COM
  3. We don't want him. Just put him on a boat, and tell him it's going to Canada, but really it's just going to drift at sea. To think a few years ago I got into an argument with someone that said Crowder was someone worth listening to on the right (along with Tucker Carlson, Paul Joseph Watson, and Ben Shapiro...I always knew the guy was an idiot). Also, wow! That was a lot of racism packed into two minutes and fifteen seconds.
  4. My parents are in their 60s, and I think they said they're going to be getting their shots in June. I'm 31 so I'm fucked.
  5. Only four hour film I'm interested in watching any time soon is Lawrence of Arabia. Recorded that while it was playing on TV, so I should watch that soon.
  6. It's not like I'm going to go there straight away, so I don't know why this being made to be a big deal...
  7. Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare has been laid to rest. I think the western aesthetic works really well for a zombie game actually. The old timey, single fire weapons makes things more tense than a fully automatic, modern game would. Probably also why I think the gunplay in The Last of Us 1 and 2 work well because you don't have a fully automatic gun until the end. Makes you really pick your shots. Next up: Bloodborne
  8. And even intelligence. Seriously how often has the CIA majorly screwed something up? Yet whenever you watch a movie or show dealing with the CIA, they're the best spies. Their track record in real life is not that great.
  9. No I mean in the sense it wants my info to look up another person's info. If I put in your name and city it'll lead me to a page eventually (after hinting they found something on you) ask me for all my info (name address, e-mail, etc.) to send me your info.
  10. Perhaps at some point America was truly "the greatest country on Earth", but complacency, corruption, and jingoism has kept it from improving the way other countries have continued to improve, and surpass the US in every meaningful way (healthcare, education, infrastructure, quality of life, etc.).
  11. I know, but I should have access to them since the DLC is installed.
  12. The whirlygig saw and holy moonlight sword also look fun.
  13. All right, I'm going to start this game this week. Any tips? I hear good things about the Ludwig Blade, which I believe is a strength based sword, so I should start with a strength heavy class I guess, right? I'm looking forward to finally playing this.
  14. Borat 2 is an adapted screenplay how? Because it's a sequel or because it was originally a character from a TV show I guess. Still weird that it is in that category when it's mostly improvised bits with random people. Cool to see Maria Bakalova get nominated for it though.
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