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Everything posted by best3444

  1. Well take some time to pick a game. Or future game.
  2. I mean I'm eventually going to go back to it but I was a bit surprised you'd be playing since you said how much you hate it. How much of Endless Ocean have you played?
  3. I can understand that. Philly is an hour away from me and I've always rooted for them. I used to go to their practices in the 90s at a local college.
  4. Big game tonight in Philly. Definitely tuning in.
  5. Well I guess I am not well informed outside of government work. Because the PA Governor sign a bill that eliminated a college degree being part of the application process in the state. He sent out a state wide email a few months back that told all state employees college degrees are no longer looked for in hiring.
  6. I truly hope he has a job paying him enough for spending that much money for school. It seems nowadays college degrees aren't as necessary to obtain a good job.
  7. I can't get into that. I watched the music video and I just have a very difficult time connecting to that type of art. Spider-Verse impressed visually but I also really enjoy Spider-Man. I don't go out of my way to watch this type of stuff. I'll pass on this series but thanks @legend for trying to introduce me.
  8. He's been quiet and I know being introduced to a new job is stressful.
  9. So is it locked and loaded for tomorrow? I mean you know exactly what to expect so if you're down for a REALLY chill experience while laying on your couch it should be fine.
  10. You did done fucked up brotha.
  11. No. Remember my Switch is broken. I'm now just waiting for the Switch 2.
  12. Ok. Well I honestly hope you like it then. If only you had some weed to smoke while playing it.
  13. @Biggie IGN gave Endless Ocean Luminous a 4/10. You've been warned.
  14. Well I'm definitely playing on May 15th. That update is awesome.
  15. They should have focused on maybe 2 planets that were Fallout/Skyrim in scale and based it's story off that. The entire 1000 planet idea was way too ambitious for the current tech.
  16. @Biggie Did you slip off from Starfield again?
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