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Everything posted by best3444

  1. Ok. If you want to laugh your ass off and have some time to kill, watch Angry Joe's review of TLOU2. The skits in it are tear worthy and his comments are so fuckin funny and accurate. Tl;dr he gives it a 6/10 and shits all over the story. But my God did that review make me laugh out loud a few times.
  2. I have always loved the pacific northwest environment too so this game really shines in that department for me. Just walking around the town and seeing the visuals is a treat. Remedy is really talented and unique.
  3. I better see you on my friends list tomorrow afternoon buddy boy.
  4. All said and done you lucked out. Good for you!
  5. I have good self control when sober but if I smoke weed, I eat like a 600lb pig. It's insane and the food tastes so much better. Thankfully weed is basically out of my life now due to finances so I should be ok lol.
  6. Ok, so I started over with a completely different mindset. I really paid attention on everything that was going on and how the mind space works. I played 3 hours and I have grown to really appreciate it. The first boss fight is down right frightening and extremely atmospheric. The entire game oozes with amazing detail and beautiful visuals. The map has helped me out, too. So, I will keep playing this and beat it now I know what type of game this is. I completely forget Alan Wake 1 so I was coming into this as though it was a Resident Evil type game. Now that I'm accustomed to the style they are going for, I'm having a great time. I had to turn it off because I was playing 3 hours straight but I'm eager to see what happens next! I never get tense in games but that first boss had my heart pounding lol.
  7. I'm curious what you folks here think about the jump ball situation in the NBA. I think it's lame and they should do what HS and college do for those situations.
  8. I'll give this another shot after I'm finished with a few games here. @Greatoneshere has made great points that have me reconsidering my view on this game. I will have to be really patient my next playthrough.
  9. I'm heading home now so when I get on my PS5 I'll add you.
  10. All I have to contribute is TLOU or TLOU2 better be in the top 10.
  11. I was impressed when I had to cross the river with spidey. It looked phenomenal and the air wings are cool as hell. The combat is thrilling but there is a lot to master. I am really looking forward to diving into this.
  12. I did fight the boss on chapter 2. It was difficult but it was basically the 2nd enemy encounter I had. It's just not interesting to me and it's too mind fucked gameplay for my taste. I understand it's a good game for others who enjoy detective work and piecing together clues but it bores me to tears. I am upset I bought it. I'm on chapter 3 and gave up. Yes, it has great graphics and quality voice work. Those who are enjoying it that's great.
  13. Why would I want friends on PlayStation? I don't understand your criticisms on this. I play strictly sp games and have no reason to interact with a soul. No reason to be a dick about it.
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