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Everything posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. And it's not really an attack when the Trump administration has now sent known-infected people out to mingle, without any of the precautions being utilized. They need to attack this story. This needs to be the main narrative in mainstream media. Instead, when I glance at the TV, all I see is fucking updates and doctors giving their opinion about Trump's condition. Fuck his condition; he brought it upon himself because of the decisions he made which explicitly went against the recommendations of his own experts. Trump is probably going to live, but now we're missing a golden opportunity to destroy the man's credibility.
  2. I need to see more of this in the mainstream media. Anytime I glance at the news it's some bullshit. The discussion needs to be about how the Trump administration tried to hide the positive results and let a known-infected individual(s) come in contact with other people. Fucking ridiculous that is not the story here.
  3. Hmm, not like that. Indiana apparently doesn't want universal mail-in because you actually have to give a reason - and one of those reasons is not a concern for COVID. No matter, because starting the 6th we can actually vote early in-person without needing a reason, so I'm just going to do that.
  4. Well, by infecting our entire government maybe he will actually live up to one of his promises. #draintheswamp
  5. The possibility is there because he's such a big fat liar, but you are probably right. Dems need to slam him hard and fast. "Trump and his entire organization did not take this seriously and has put innocent people PURPOSEFULLY at risk"
  6. How about getting some Proud boys to exercise their 2A rights and put Old Yeller out of his misery.
  7. Wallace did it for him though, "Mr. Trump will you condemn white supremecists?" "What, but, Antifa..."
  8. The strategy is clear for Trump: Say some shit, doesn't matter if it's true, that makes him look good, talk over the other person when they retort so the counter can't come out, then claim victory tomorrow.
  9. Fire up the conspiracy theorists: "In 2022 Trump owes half a billion dollars in debt, guess what happens if he's President when that time comes..."
  10. So, is this an honest time to actually thank Obama*? *Republican-controlled Senate
  11. Oh hell yeah. The coverage should totally be attacking him, as others have mentioned "Trump isn't a billionaire he just played one on TV". The second NYT article lays out his plan to be entirely brand-focused. Use that against him. I would also like to see people point out his big ponzi schemes, but sadly I think most people, especially his base, don't even know what ponzi, MLM, and pyramid schemes are.
  12. A lot of feedback I see in my local (pro-Trump) area is basically "WHO CARES ABOUT HIS TAXES".
  13. Yeah I just now saw the article about how he stole his dad's fortune, and then the various more reports about how racist he is. I now think a huge portion of his drive is sociopathic. He just really likes gaming the system and screwing people over. He doesn't care if it screws him over a little bit so long as it screws other people over even more - he still comes out ahead. He is perfectly fine being king of the ashes, and has no interest in bettering our communities as a whole.
  14. So is he really just an idiot, or is he doing it quite on purpose to not pay taxes - which he has no control over where that money goes (public/social programs). It would seem like his method of pumping money into failing businesses keeps that money among the elite and out of the lower class. His family already has a history of transferring money in a non-taxable way, as the article described. I suppose all of this depends on how much of a biggot he is compared to how much absolute wealth he wants.
  15. But this will give Trump's base ammunition for the bullet point about how he donates his Presidential salary. "He's broke and he still donates his salary? WHAT A GENEROUS MAN! PRAISE BE OUR LORD TRUMP!"
  16. Much like how a majority of our country lives under the pretense that "all men are created equal" - one of the themes that underlies every portion of the Constitution - and those people mostly fail to actively uphold that virtue if it means taking away a portion of their "freedom", burdening them, or inconveniencing them in any way, our founding fathers were subject to the same selfish biases such that what they really meant was all men, who are like me, are created equal, and let's just ignore women, blacks, and Native Americans. And while they fought for freedom, what freedom they really wanted was to make more money, take more land, and basically do whatever the hell they wanted (in the name of capitalism!)
  17. You know who can shapeshift to look like a certain boy's dead momma? The Martha Manhunter
  18. It also kills me he says right in the canned email the senate has a long standing precedent of delaying nomination but he's going to do it anyway.
  19. My Indiana Senator Mike Braun just sent me an email saying he supports Trump's nomineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee prior to the election.
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