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Everything posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. The backfire effect indeed. One thing that needs to go is fucking Fox news. Its reach is too large. They've somehow turned facts into biased feelings. These feelings get ingrained into people. They become their identity. And then when you try to argue using the same facts you get nowhere because the facts are extremely biased now.
  2. Maybe now that we have proper CPU cores in consoles they can actually improve upon the car physics from GTA4 instead of the regression we saw in GTA5.
  3. The unfortunately sad part of the video's message (to open a discussion with them to persuade them) is that in order to even have a discussion with Trump supporters in an attempt to change their minds you basically have to break down their core beliefs and build them up from the ground level. There would need to be a re-education campaign, because these people are set in their views from the environment they were raised in--which, since we're talking about rural white people born in the 1950s-80s, would be Christianity, mixed in with boomer-anti-Cold-war-fuck-socialism notions. It is pure tribalistic thinking. Otherwise they are going to defend their beliefs til their death, because their beliefs are their identities.
  4. I don't think I've argued for you to stop demonizing them. But I'll show my support for you to actually do so right now. The other side is doing the same in a more disingenuous fashion: Demonizing protests, BLM, Antifa, pro-choice, true equality for all. Hell, add the Obama years to your list. Conservatives consider him the lead demon, actively slander his name and idealogies ("Thanks, Obama") with the sentiment that he's not "one of us" while crying foul to criticisms of Trump who's "our President so shut your mouth and go with it."
  5. I really just have no personal experience of it. I have friends who've told stories, but I've never witnessed anything for myself because I'm white. But yeah this is right and I was trying to say it from a different angle. These people have a different definition of racism because we don't acknowledge it properly. That is a huge problem and the place we need to start course correcting.
  6. Perhaps I myself just don't want want to believe that many people are cool with racism. 70 million confirmed, and definitely more, is just a staggering amount.
  7. While I want to say fuck all Trump supporters, I can't say all of them are racist biggots. Sadly most of the ones I know, in the Midwest, are victims of Fox news propaganda, and Christianity. They lack self reflection in that they would never admit to themselves to being racist despite believing idealogies that demonstrate such--for example BLM vs. ALM. These people are operating under different definition of racism, strongly influenced by biases and tribalism. I think we should be able to flip these people to our side or more moderate. But then there are the huge subset of white supremacists. Fuck them.
  8. Capitalistic greed Selfishness Labeling public services as socialism General Fox news narrative spin I tuned into a Fox program today and it sounded like pure propaganda, the obvious ironic kind you see in movies. But they were being sincere lol.
  9. And let's be real, the people sharing what I just copied are going to be the ones complaining. Then they're going to call us Democrybabies.
  10. 🤷‍♂️👌🖕 To those of you who voted for Biden. You had better own it for the next four years if he wins (its looking like he may). I don't want to hear you complain about your taxes going up or gas prices doubling. I don't want you to complain when your health insurance cost go up even further than they already are. Don't complain when you bring home less on your paycheck because you're being penalized for climate justice. Don't complain when you lose your job because 15 million illegal immigrants suddenly become legal and your employer decides to hire someone at a lower wage. Don't complain when your job is just out right eliminated because the minimum wage is to high and your employer can no longer afford to stay open or even pay you. Don't complain when your automotive or industrial job is eliminated because its shipped back to China. Dont complain when interest rates double or even triple and homes/automobiles are not as affordable as they use to be. Don't complain when your stocks and 401k take a massive hit. Don't complain when we are locked into more endless wars in the middle east. Don't complain when your otherwise safe communities are overrun by crime and start resembling Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Baltimore. Don't complain when the educational system goes down and higher education becomes unaffordable. You obviously didn't vote your paycheck or your future. You voted your feelings. Unfortunately facts don't care about your feelings and you will soon (sadly) learn this under a Biden/Harris administration. Just own it. Also when the new administration makes a play for all of our legally owned weapons don't look to me for support, safety, or compliance. I will be fighting to the death to defend my GOD GIVEN 2nd Amendment rights... COPIED AND PASTED. 📷
  11. Cheating claims are being espoused all over the comment sections of Biden victory news articles. It's sad. And I toured myself yesterday by listening to fox news radio for a few hours and the narrative they kept pushing was "we can't trust the vote counting process in this country."
  12. Might be good to put in the demonizing thread. Nicole has no idea what to feel let alone say. He hit her hard. And he's in point we have a lot of outwardly racist people in this country, but then we have even more people who tell themselves they're not, believe it and the innocent narrative, but also believe and act like their kind is superior to others.
  13. Give them free assault rifles and burn down planned parenthood, because a lot of these people are single issue fucks.
  15. Ahhahahahaha, I'm watching NBC and the news anchor just interrupted (spoke over) Trump's speech and said he was lying about the results
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