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Scape Zero

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Everything posted by Scape Zero

  1. Daily thing. I don't think much has really changed though. I'm sure 20 years ago, anyone who was talking shit about their customers to the customers face would have been fired. It's just really easy to do it at home now. 20 years ago, someone writing stuff for whatever type of media would have had about zero chances to talk directly to their audience outside of what they wrote. Now it's super easy to put in a Twitter bio that you work for a company, hop on Reddit and tell all the people who are fans of that work that you helped create it, and gain a following. The chances of your fuck ups coming directly back to you with solid evidence are higher than ever, but do you really think if 20 years ago, someone from Nintendo went on national news to say "10% of Zelda players are garbage people" and then called out someone from some magazine for being a "rando asshole person" and some kind of "ist" ending word because they had respectful criticism of one of the Zelda games that that person would keep their job? I don't think so. People just forget what kind of reach they have. When you tie your name to what you write online, it can come back to you.
  2. Isn't that how it always goes? Wozniak created the original Apple computers. Ives created the iconic designs. The rest of the countless engineers made it all possible. Jobs just wanted all the money he could get. He's the one everyone worships. At the very least, Musk cares a little more about the world than he does. Even if it's just to inflate his own ego. He still wants to be known as the guy who makes weird submarines to save some kids in a cave. I don't disagree with your points, don't get me wrong. But I'd rather see people worship Musk over people like Jobs. For all his faults and delusions, he at least has a good chance at shaping the world for the better, even if the real work is being done by the people he hires, just so he can feed his own ego. That's why I can't hate him, just how people have made him beyond criticism.
  3. I mean we don't even need to hypothesis about that point. Peter Fries was fired for doing less than Jessica did, and literally no one gives a fuck. Same incident, same day. He got zero headlines. Most of these articles are written in a way saying that only one person got fired. The only reason why people are acting like this is some gendered issue is because they are conveniently ignoring the straight white male who was also fired for the exact same incident. I mean if you are looking for an "unjust" reason for firing someone, you could make a much better case championing him.
  4. I don't dislike him. I still really like Tesla and the idea of Space X. I just don't like how people think he can change reality just because he improved existing things in the past.
  5. I don't hate him, but the reason why I like him less is because he thinks every idea he has is a good idea, and actually something possible. He and his fans live by his past success, so now think every crazy radical idea he comes up with every 5 minutes is equally possible as PayPal, Tesla, and Space X. He has started to go beyond criticism just because he had detractors telling him he could never do it in the past, therefore that's all people are when they say things like the Hyperloop will never work the way he thinks it will. Physics, logic, and reality no longer matter. He made PayPal, so obviously there will be nothing wrong, dangerous, or impractical about miles and miles of off the shelf steel above ground tunnels at a near perfect vacuum. Nothing could ever go wrong.
  6. Right but like, how do you do that? This is the country that sentenced and ultimately killed a man for fucking with a propaganda poster. They don't allow you to take pictures of the military. How do you skirt around their control to accurately report on North Korea? This isn't like moving to England to report on the going ons to everyone outside of England. This is North Korea.
  7. No punchline, genuinely curious. It's the most locked down country in the world, who spits out straight lies to it's people (example: the US drops food of for NK because we lost the war, and constant reports of wars on US soil where NK is winning). How does a private citizen open a US news station in that country?
  8. I don't see the problem with firing Price, but I do agree. This is most definitely not a news story. Tons of people get fired every day for being dicks to customers. We don't need an article for it.
  9. I still stand by that Microsoft innovates for the future. They don't always nail it, but they use concepts that are ahead of their time. Now not everything MS originally planned with the XBO was exclusively their idea, but it was all ideas that are going to be the future of gaming. The way they wanted to sell games (have it work effectively just like Steam games do), to what they wanted the Kinect to be, to all the media stuff. That will all be standard stuff, it was just before it's time. People pushed back, they caved, and now I think it's made a worse product. But the other reason why I still stand by Microsoft; they don't just release a product and call it done. Look at the 360, Windows 8, Windows 10, and the XBO. The interface and features are constantly improving. All 4 of those products are better now than when they launched, and in some cases drastically different from what they where when they launched.
  10. If they have that play anywhere thing, yeah. I think most of the games are Xbox only though.
  11. What else is there to say? She tossed someone who didn't do anything into the feed off her followers. Call you what you want it, but obviously she's trying to fuck with that person's reputation. That's a bad look. If you can't understand that, then there's nothing left to say. You have already made up your mind on this being perfectly okay, which obviously ANet disagrees with. At the end of the day, they are the ones spending the money on her and that other dude being part of the company, so it's ultimately their choice.
  12. Well if you love her so much, lucky you, she's in the market. You can hire her to write for your company.
  13. She set thousands of her followers after a person for "*sightly* disagreeing" with her in a respectful way, calling them sexist. I'm sure if all she said was her first remark, she would have been fine. However throwing that post up in front of her 10k followers, calling the person sexist, is a bad fucking look for a company. ANet doesn't want to be known as the company that supports their developers targeting harassment at their customers for respectfully disagreeing with them. It's a bad look.
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