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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. I mean, the game says you need to put in 2 quartz. There is a whole tutorial card and everything right after the cutscene introducing the p-organ.
  2. Wordle 828 2/6* ⬛⬛🟩🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. I was just talking to someone who didn't know you needed to put two quartz in a trait to unlock that trait. The traits automatically turn on when unlocked.
  4. Meet the Polish LARPers Who Pretend to Be American WWW.VICE.COM Roleplaying as people celebrating the 4th of July in Ohio is a unique take on LARP, to say the least.
  5. First trailer made me want pizza but I just ate. The second trailer looks giga ass. Lies of P is basically the standard for non-FromSoft Souls-likes, and I know they can get better than Lies of P. LoP is the only game to perfectly replicate the feeling of a Souls game. From the movement, to the weight of your weapon swings, to the way the character is animated. It everything a Souls-like NEEDS to be IMO. I won't settle for this Witcher 1 looking shit
  6. is one of my most replayed songs I'll be gracious and let someone else make the obvious jokes.
  7. Wordle 826 2/6* ⬛🟩🟨🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  8. I fuckin' love Akihiko Yoshida's art style. I don't even play TT games but I kinda just want the game for the art.
  9. Really sucked that Lucian couldn't keep his views to himself. He was a great gaming board poster. Anathema- never seemed the same after Hilary lost.
  10. Dumb. While I didn't watch the whole video, this ain't fuckin' DnD. Making a "storm" build is fuckin' dumb. Every boss has an elemental weakness. Some are weak to electric, specifically puppets, while the carcass monsters are weak to fire. Making a build based on electric damage is dumb. I say all of this a someone who beat the game using exactly this build before it was even made a build. Spoilers, but proof.
  11. I've always been a fan of General Insanity or just "The General Board"
  12. Oh, and @stepee You can summon help in this game, sadly not real people, but you can even kinda spec into buffing your summon/specter about a third into the game. It's not much, but it is something.
  13. I beat it. Good game. Great gauntlet of final bosses tho the 1st one is the hardest. The ending could have been slightly better. Like, it was not a bad ending in any regard, just for the amount of bosses I had to fight back to back I would have liked it to be epic or something. It's why I always go for the Dark Lord endings in the Dark Souls games. That and maybe a bit longer. Like, there are boss phase transitions that are longer than the ending. One final complaint I'd like to add is that Fable/MP doesn't recharge after death. It feels really shit TBH. Like, you can get it refilled anytime you enter the training area so it's just extra shitty it doesn't refill on rest. I see no reason for it not to. If there is ever a mod for that I'd add it in for another play-thru. And like, what is insulting is that you can get a perk that "restores fable" on death, but 1, it is only on death and not on rest, and 2, it is only one charge of fable, it doesn't fill all your bars. There is actually a fair amount of stuff that is "basic souls" stuff that is either not in the game or locked behind the P-Organ like a wakeup dodge and consecutive dodges. And man, there are a lot of unclear options in regard to the P-Organ Perks because of how bad the translation is. That is probably the single worst aspect of the game. Overall, tho, the game is really fun if you are a Souls enjoyer. It has some really cool weapons, and while the story it mid, the events are pretty great. Like, having a "defined" character was actually a big bonus and it made the game better. I'm interested in seeing where this dev goes next. I hope they get a lot of sales and make a new one. And about their next game (pretty sure this is like actual spoilers you'll want to find out on your own) Also, make sure you don't enter NG+ right away. Press B or O or whatever, not A to "continue". It's worded weirdly. Easy 9/10 for me. I can see some people who aren't in love with the Souls format giving it a 7-8/10 and that is probably fair, but this game is EXACTLY what I want to see from new Souls likes. That it lacks some basic Souls standards will hurt it a lot for some people. But like, I enjoyed this WAY more than ER. I'd say I enjoyed it nearly as much as Dark Souls and BB. I think I like it better than Sekiro, but I was never a huge fan of Sekiro. e: oh and it's like a 40-ish hour game. I had some long AFK times but I clocked in at like 44 hours when I beat the boss. I am at 45 now with in-game time. Steam time is 46.9 hours. Honestly, a perfect-length game.
  14. To me it 100% feels like a Soulsborne game, but smoother hahaha. But This game is actually pretty fuckin' tough. Like nearing Sekiro levels but not quite. Like. Personally, I've found most bosses to be harder than most BB bosses. Def harder than the majority of ER bosses except for like 3-4 ER bosses.
  15. Builds? Pointless. Just use the "Holy Sword of the Ark." Pretty much every Motivity build is using it and it's super strong.
  16. Ok, another complaint that I should have mentioned earlier is the translation. Somewhere along the way this game was translated from Korean into English and MAN does it show. Like, some of the shit is total nonsense. The main story seems pretty understandable, but there is still just so much nonsense.
  17. Some good things with some buts: They do a great job of tricking you into thinking the world is actually interconnected despite there being obvious loading screens for some levels. Oh, and the game isn't really divided into levels. Like, if I were talking about Dark Souls, I would call the Undead Parish a level or Blight Town a level even tho they are connected without loading screens. There are levels that are connected without loading screens in LoP, but not all of them. I think there are plenty of weapons to pick from. However, I think people will end up gravitating to whatever gives them the most speed and reach within their build. I still love my chode, but I have a hard time hitting bosses with it. I have ended up using the chode on basic mobs but a special spear sword for bosses. The p-organ is a nice addition that gives you a good sense of progression, but I think there are some options that are just better than others, like a second dodge you can make mid-dodge, more Estus, and extra trinket slot, and a recovery dodge. It's a pretty good hybrid of Dark Souls and Sekiro gameplay with a BB theme. You can get an upgrade that lets you apply an element to your weapon. You only get one charge so you always save it for bosses or special enemies, but the charge refills when you rest/die. Still, it is very nice to have a least one charge of fire or lightning weapon on demand. Something that is just fine is the legion arms. You could view legion arms as something to replace the trick aspect of trick weapons and also the firearms from BB, but Legion arms aren't better than either. I wish the default legion arm was a proper legion arm as it's actually my favorite as it's just a big ol punch, but you can't upgrade it and it gets outclassed by the lightning legion arm. There's a grappling hook arm, lightning arm, flame arm, gun arm, shield arm, necro arm, and mine arm, but the only one where you actually hit the enemy with your legion arm is the basic legion arm
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