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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. "Of course, one of these possibilities is charging you extra for it. Oh wait, that's the part I wasn't supposed to say out loud."
  2. I can live with combining TV and Movies and leaving Music alone. @johnny and @elbobo - would you guys be OK with that?
  3. Man, if we're nauseous about "civility" now, just wait until John "Bomb the Brownies" McCain kicks the bucket in a few months.
  4. They can be easily found by clicking on the prefix Also, look at @Jason's proposed solution
  5. I'm fine with that, but I do want the thread creators to weigh-in.
  6. @johnny @GeneticBlueprint @rc0101 @elbobo With the new indexing system, do you guys still consider it necessary to keep those threads pinned in Entertainment?
  7. The answer to removing them from Entertainment is "absolutely not" and the answer to making them a single color is "only if more people complain".
  8. Alright - I'm in the cave with the guy. What am I supposed to do?
  9. We're still trying to figure that editor box out as it's not quite right yet.
  10. The new game places more emphasis on how to build a better world out of the ashes, versus simply surviving in the original. Based on the short demo that Techland was showing at this month’s E3 Expo, that means more player choice, and , not shying away from the political implications of those choices.
  11. OK fine - find another execution emote that we can assign a neutral value to or a "neutral" guillotine
  12. I have heard the cries of the masses and have responded accordingly!
  13. As far as we can tell, there is no way to control it at the user level. We implemented this system in order to avoid the proliferation of sub-boards that existed before.
  14. Whoops! Sorry about that @Bacon - I forgot to activate it in the Entertainment board. Try it now.
  15. Did the child have to assemble the handgun with an hex key/Allen wrench?
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