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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Well now I know I certainly ran in a very different crowd than most others here lol
  2. Laundering bad/reactionary ideas through a formerly respectable institution
  3. http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llcg&fileName=073/llcg073.db&recNum=12 Please learn history outside of what you recall from high school history. This amendment was written by the radical Republicans, they knew what they were doing.
  4. That's how the 14th amendment was written; it was the intention of the writers of the amendment if we actually cared about that
  5. The explicit goal of the republican party is they feel they don't need to get a majority of votes or voters in order to govern. He's making explicit what has been implicit for years now. They're an anti small d democratic party, so it is inevitable that they go back to the tried and true American tradition of voter suppression. They've inherited the anti democratic norms from immediately after the civil war and reconstruction through Jim Crow, still largely based on race, but now to "own the libs" generally.
  6. Interesting. Pushed undecided registered voters to their leaning and Biden gets 9% added to his 49% committed. Trump gets 4% added to his 38% committed. These values are close to trumps approval/disapproval, which is what you would expect as you get closer to the election
  7. Found posts from my fall quarter freshman year of college, talking about classes with a few others I was friends with and also starting college at the same time, including known Twitter troll Mike Tracey! Ah, nostalgia.
  8. https://www.ignboards.com/threads/thirty-one-percent-of-gay-people-found-to-be-retarded.197432993/#post-197458784 Yeesh
  9. I think I finally lost access to my IGN account. Sad! Account from I think August or September 2001.
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