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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. ^Because if these costs it should be upon regulators to ensure that cars have adequate LOS and pedestrian safety in the event of impact
  2. I mean this reason was a big selling point for Tesla back when it was first getting going.
  3. Clearly these people think that if it's not something as banal as renaming a post office it's not worth doing
  4. One can hope this is an arithmetic wake up call for manchin and Sinema to abolish the filibuster but lol fat chance of that
  5. The only thing I wish more is that it failed 58-35 or thereabouts and Patty Murray and Sinema caused it to fail
  6. Most don't realize or care that the CSA constitution expressly forbid states from abolishing slavery so this is a fun one
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