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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Making government an agent of change rather than a mechanism to voice grievance and prevent "the other side" from governing is a good thing. Like believe me I get that our system of governance is not made for change but to preserve the status quo crystallized in amber but if there is no mechanism for change through the ballot box, there is only one solution and folks, no one will like it.
  2. Gnd wasn't on the table. Voting rights and civil rights acts aren't gonna pass under the 60 vote threshold. Hell, infrastructure may not pass (imo may only do so under 50 vote threshold with 3-4 Republicans max on board) Even the popular yet stretch items like a public option or MJ legalization are definitely off the table given a 60 vote threshold. There's a ton of items that could make lives better and (more importantly) are popular but will never ever ever pass under the 60 vote rule. Fuck the whole "if you pass things there may be a backlash" though. There should be a reason to vote for a given party, (fair) elections should have consequences. You don't get a trifecta often and if you don't use it you lose it (likely) regardless. That said, I'm a little more bullish on D's keeping the senate and maybe the house in 22 because more and more of the D electorate is suburban people who can't really be targeted by suppression tactics and who stay home less in off year elections, added to the effect of partisanship becoming stronger and the strong R vote was from low propensity voters that might suffer without Trump on the ticket(see 2018), and the effect of the insurrection galvanized many Dems to not be as complacent as may have been the case. We saw many places swing hard from D to R in 2010 and they haven't really went back; we're not sitting on historic majorities, and we've got a fairly favorable midterm map in the Senate. 2024 though.
  3. Yep. And my hedge trimmer and pole saw. I've got a very overgrown yard that needs taming still. Might just hire some goats a couple of times
  4. Electric mowers are the way. It works for my half acre
  5. The joke was homer being too cavalier for the NRA but nowadays he'd be celebrated as a hero
  6. Yeah. And poorer people are less likely to have money down for purchasing a home, so new homes for purchase don't directly help those with lower incomes. And without specific programs to attract and maintain rent properties for lower income folks, rents will go at the market price which doesn't care how poor or cost burdened you are. The point I've made before is that building more housing via the market doesn't solve all of the problems, but it makes it more affordable for middle income folks (which is probably why it generates the most attention) so you need specific help for lower income folks and we need to direct public dollars in that direction.
  7. Inside India’s ‘black fungus’ wards: Delta variant linked to hundreds of deaths from mucormycosis WWW.TELEGRAPH.CO.UK terrifying
  8. oh my fucking god dude. After my wife gives birth I'll go back to wearing masks in places I have stopped doing so unless I know everyone is vaccinated. It's not worth the risk! Even minor fevers in newborns can result in a trip to the ER and a spinal tap to check for meningitis. I don't want that at all, let alone covid!
  9. Lmao dude come on Also the people who go to the memorial tournament to watch are the strangest people in central Ohio by a longshot.
  10. Father in law: why don't you guys ever visit me in Florida??? Me: *points to this thread*
  11. That is good and fine and may be achievable, tbd here, but disarming police will simply not happen as much as I'd be fine with it because squishy libs can imagine the utility in having cops with arms. so limiting citizen interactions with police is generally the better strategy for reform, as it can be done at scale that may be achievable unlike with the Camden model
  12. The liberation of the international working class is more likely, it's really not worth considering.
  13. It's worse because this would be in addition to, not in place of, their current gear. Cops won't give up their guns it's a dumb hypothetical. We're better off limiting when and in what situations cops are the means of state intervention
  14. Most conservatives don't care about this because the uighurs are Muslim and that bigotry trumps anti China rhetoric
  15. Again, these are not people interested in the truth, they just want to bash China (but not over Hong Kong or the uighers, they don't care about that stuff, it is to them good actually)
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