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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. He also executed Black Union POWs, so it tracks that these people love him
  2. Has never test driven a minivan^ Don't knock it till you try it
  3. Get a minivan you fools, if you must get anything.
  4. infuriating thread on the inability of the beltway media to come to terms with the constant bad faith from Republicans
  5. Sounds like my then 4 year old insisting on getting an antibiotic shot at the doctor's office rather than take ten days of oral antibiotics, or any medicine for that matter. But she's a toddler. This idiot is just acting like one.
  6. Conservatives want everyone to be as miserable as they are
  7. Hey I'm a dad again. #2 was born just a couple hours ago: a beautiful,healthy baby girl. (Hope to find out if this little one has covid antibodies from the vaccine!)
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