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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. all this and a tax on billionaires is a W. It's not enough but it's a dub
  2. Who is looking the 7-5? if you're looking at past record, OSU has improved massively in the past few weeks. edited my original post because I can't read
  3. Msu and um gonna get waxed by Ohio state, you heard it here first folks. (This is not homerism, the team is playing on a different level now)
  4. The dumbest thing about Virgina right now is that weed is legal but you can't buy it anywhere
  5. Critical support for Kansas currently up 10-0 over OU in the third
  6. I drove by the port of Virginia Richmond terminal this afternoon (had an errand down 95) and the containers were easily stacked 6-8 high Lmao
  7. Man now I feel the urge to donate money at a 500,000x match to a super pac with no idea where the money will be spent!
  8. Just gonna have to go back to the adage "all cops lie, all the time, for little or no reason"
  9. Never read Jacobin trust me it's for your own mental health
  10. Given the makeup of the courts it's probably why corporate backers of manchinema are ok with putting it in the bill betting that they ultimately won't have to pay the tax
  11. I wonder what are the odds that Thomas has a concurrence while explicitly overturning Roe and Casey that the original intent of the 14th amendment means they meant to ban abortion nationwide
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